Police say don't lock internal doors as they cause allot of damage
Personally nice loud internal bell , no open plan layout and lock them doors to slow them down , hopefully they just raid the fridge
Chimney breast no big deal , you don't have perimeter protection so intruder would access room either way and trigger it once in
I would move it first personally
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Swap the quads positions with the dt see if problems follow the quad , although as above need to see or have systems described more
Must be reason you opted for duals in other rooms, perhaps list rooms with sensors and why you chose what to go where
So you need to know what ports your DVR uses , those ports need to be setup in the firewall section of your router by creating rules , then those rules would be applied and asked to be sent to your DVR IP address
You may need to set your DVR to a static IP setting if your router does not allow you to port forward via Mac addresses
Do you mean default codes do not respond ?
Keypad in a whole does not respond no bleeps no lights nothing ? Or frozen like with lights on?
Has it been a year since you last tried using the alarm?
Probably something like wrong polarity or output connected to dialler , so when you disarm it is sending the trigger to the dialler
Assuming it's an external dialler and so on
If it's old system did you change settings somewhere ?
Or new and not sure how triggers and outputs work so wrong connection
If you mean the enforcer , it has an output board and it's labelled kind of different on how to use it and what you can do with it
Throws all the diyers into paying for bell part to be installed by engineer these parts