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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. Ok just wondering, thought you might be using an old Nokia
  2. I am android to , Samsung S10 or you got old S3?
  3. Yes sounds good What phone you got Android or iPhone?
  4. Yes , I bin them often as I can and use modern equipment that has what I need and customers need
  5. Yes I would recommend upgrading panel and battery when you do it .....
  6. What does your panel manufacturer recommend?
  7. You can't clear it , disable it by entering engineer mode Perhaps reboot as it shouldn't be full lockout , unless I am wrong ,vyou need anticode software
  8. Also wire one bell at a time to see if each bell tamper clears If one doesn't then atleast you know the problem is there , if none do them maybe cable or panel problem or your wiring , But more likely your wiring stop breath start again and more likely the tamper screw you haven't put it in
  9. South Africa have a zone connection to an Uzi so no problem
  10. Cool, you in trade? But not in trade , apply .....
  11. So y have manual selection , shouldn't they just call it battery mode as realistically that's what it's for it seems
  12. Listen just give your new phone and you bget yourself an smart phone there are some available more than 10years old , they still work
  13. Ah ha design engineer Hence why your saying what your saying , I am like some others an electronics engineer , trained in it , so know exactly what nonsense your saying, not far off from the IT experts No offence by the way just striaght up, Conclusion leave it as is and don't waste your time.
  14. I guess all expenses paid in advance someone might come lol
  15. Doesn't sound good then , I have many hkc will run three years easy even a door contact
  16. I was about to say battery life How long they last in each mode? Pyronix batteries don't last long tho compared to others
  17. System was designed as such it required that sensor , so why would t you get it fixed? It's possible of course to disable any sensor , but at what point would you stop disabling sensors ? Useful is as above , get someone to look at it , but if house , or valuables or yourself is not worth protecting anyway , rip it out and turn it off is probably best (not)
  18. How about you start again , your annoyed for some reason , you want to diy it to save money , cos reality that's why most ask , which isn't a problem dude You have missed a step tho somewhere , to clue or not to clue that is the question
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