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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. How much dollars you want to spend? Budget ???? https://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing-accessories/networking/whole-home-wi-fi-systems/tp-link-deco-m5-whole-home-wifi-system-triple-pack-10166101-pdt.html?store=2432&=--present--&istCompanyId=bec25c7e-cbcd-460d-81d5-a25372d2e3d7&istFeedId=2928af81-b29b-476c-a180-ac5de265a98e&istItemId=xatpirwal&istBid=t&srcid=198&cmpid=ppc~gg~1014+(PLA)+NETWORKING+-+Adaptive~1014+(PLA)+NETWORKING+-+Adaptive+ad+group~Exact&mctag=gg_goog_7904&kwid=GOOGLE&device=m&ds_kids=92700054767341382&tgtid=1014+(PLA)+NETWORKING+-+Adaptive&gclid=Cj0KCQjwl4v4BRDaARIsAFjATPlQzn31tQUUz4jL79aXrCkizx0jZdy9F0SAgPcI63yFQwLz7pXcFesaAprNEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Budget Or more of a daddy unit???
  2. But an upgrade of panel and keypad is about £100? Even on basic like a 9651 with prox tags
  3. Plenty about lol , but I would upgrade
  4. Welcome to planet TSI
  5. What did you short it with?
  6. Oddly the builders have run the cables for me , any existing sites existing wiring Anyone who wants new wiring has to pay more and I take a sub with me Hkc is exclusive u see lol But I have to run some externally Monday and still taking a subby with me
  7. Ha for sure But I can't help myself with alarms y......?
  8. Yes the blind thing would work , but mostly only tilt I have a new side project investment into soft furnishing didn't know so much money in it ..... Odd plumbing job pays well to See what I mean tho, this is hardly ha me H
  9. Most? If you call a.thermostat and doorbell ha yes Majority homes don't
  10. Hardcore stuff Ultimately ha is waste of time , it's lagging behind in tech , if it was the norm that all new build and people upgraded because devices were compatible enuf it would make life easier , So don't worry even if it's in your pay grade , you will be retired or dead before it really becomes something every household has got and it still wouldn't have happened
  11. Replace the contact as soon as possible
  12. So the door is main door and when you open it , it starts the entry timer without you having to walk in?
  13. What happens if other sensors have no chime and you set doorn chime on and off
  14. There's a chime in off , maybe you switched on off And I assume when you set alarm, coming back in does start the entry timer?
  15. Tried address 4 or 5?
  16. You try it one line 0? Or 1 is what I mean aswell Could be faulty from.ebay tho , remember you can hit not as described even if they don't take returns and you will get money back
  17. Nah not really , but atleast you see the point where others don't So I hope that panel cracks soon , because you genuinely sound like someone who will have fun replacing it, and have those outputs switch that kettle on ....
  18. Ok just wondering, thought you might be using an old Nokia
  19. I am android to , Samsung S10 or you got old S3?
  20. Yes sounds good What phone you got Android or iPhone?
  21. Yes , I bin them often as I can and use modern equipment that has what I need and customers need
  22. Yes I would recommend upgrading panel and battery when you do it .....
  23. What does your panel manufacturer recommend?
  24. You can't clear it , disable it by entering engineer mode Perhaps reboot as it shouldn't be full lockout , unless I am wrong ,vyou need anticode software
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