What device you use to comment on forum.android or apple just wondering lol
No struggle in knowing that keypad is going to fail further dude
But by then easier to replace .....
Makes no sense
More like at some point there was a price war , so then the £199 brigade thought about making a fiver on each one or something
Removing them permanently is best thing
Although bulkier the texe all in one is a far better panel imo
Your panel uses the resistors it has on it , PIR either have them fitted or there built in
Like I said you said budget is good so wouldn't see why you would go for the is312
Lol , any but if you going to spend £20/30 on a new PIR then forget these ones
Is312 is a replacement for what you have
But for your budget a quad PIR texecom or optex are better
So your saying the fault now is permanent? If you put it back altogether alarm won't set ? Due to permanent fault on that circuit ?
Or you tested incorrectly?
Not that our can't be at fault , I would have just swapped the boards over with another circuit by now , or compared it to another circuit the same way depending on lengths
2.2 what? Did you change the range when you read that or left it on the 200ohm range
If you get good reading on the cable , and not correct reading from panel and fault is intermittent?
Maybe you didn't put cables back properly , I doubt the resistors can go faulty