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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. Dude you didn't answer the question List the zones and attributes for each zone
  2. I couldn't quite understand above But you can wire the -strobe and -bell together to the -bell on the panel
  3. Dude forget eol If you wired tamper and alarm , linking the zone clears the led as you say , Does it do that on a zone connected to a PIR? If yes reconnect wires , join the alarm wires at the PIR , does it clear the led ? On setting There's simple methodical approach to this Just like you would fault find on electrics ? Unless your just first fix then I understand your current approach , (current unintended pun but I think I might use it again )
  4. The PIR you mentioned earlier doesn't have eol are you saying model is different now?
  5. A small Mr H internet stalker found that jewson was using Chiron for all there 500 sites 14years ago So assume there was a few shekels in it..... Oh and big in Australia .......
  6. If all the cables took one route then anything is possible If it were me , Identify zone 1 and see what the equipment is at the other end Defaulting is good , but now you need to set each zone attributes Hence why I would link out all the zones and trace them one by one and clear each fault And that's once I know the panel is clear of all faults I can't remember the panel much , but I assume it was a global tamper so loop that aswell Does the external bell work?
  7. Cable faults? If you link out all the zones does that clear the LEDs?
  8. Well someone sees a quick buck to be made and BT see a quick buck to be made without doing much Some will probably stay?
  9. Leave password blank ?
  10. Seems GJD bought them in 2017 probably sacked everyone after that and lost all old data but you never know they might have some info for you
  11. You looking in mirror on a good day?
  12. Althought have you managed to delete the keypad? And need to add it back as a device Does the app allow a virtual keypad? Go through it and see if it sees keypad or not as a wired device
  13. Cable fault, I assume it worked on the bench with short cable or check there's no strand shorting out where you connect wires, if spare cores try them instead to keypad
  14. Nah I think they can get the proper stuff dude .....
  15. Party time in Iran apparently....
  16. You need ? they all do a battery test, forget it man just install it and move on with life lol
  17. So all this means when you get a new alarm panel and you say it will be the same as the last one , you will be in the same boat ? Problem unresolved? You bought from eBay ?
  18. For setting partitions, set a zone to different partition for different settings? What attributes show?
  19. There's a happy man here who might be able to help? Soon.....
  20. I assume this isn't one the old texecom PSU problems ?
  21. A usually full set Others are part set I think keypad will only show those names as you set and the online app feature will show the name you have to it Unless you have changed the settings for what the other keys do it might be why it's showing the same , You have manual?
  22. Is an ion 40 or something? Also it's only one installer mode , with options for a b c d setting options
  23. Brighton coffee shops?
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