Dude ask yourself a question
You set your alarm , and a gorilla breaks in from that door
What you expect alarm to do?
Timeout and send entry fault alarm
I got asked to go fix a swann CCTV system today , told them forget it , they insisted , so I said ok I put my own camera and pay on it how's £250 sound
Phone is quiet that's how it's sounds , all DIY rubbish you shouldn't bother with
Just buy the update on a stick dude
Either way you know what to do
Not tonite no
That will do geezer all striaght forward hide behind gutter
Thieves don't give a monkies about CCTV and it's high enough not to be cut so no big deal
Never had a problem with electronics in a loft space , electronics are designed for temperature variations , in most parts of UK it will survive
If you use tubing or copex do it right , most leave gaps by not using the right bends connectors etc and they just collect water inside them
Better of clipping cable direct if that's the case if you get me