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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. You can't be alarmless , then get new alarm , defaulting won't help , as why would you risc it? While your away it starts talking in French to buy a dog
  2. This is a discussion forum I thought
  3. Yes but makes no difference going in circles with this speakers are AC and audio is generally ac Maybe go through all the theory again instead of looking at an alley no offence .....
  4. Audio is ac basically, I am not questioning the DC output drive on a panel , but audio signal itself is ac ?
  5. But audio is still ac
  6. Audio is ac , speakers AC Mr Logan how many diodes ?
  7. Dude use Google man , probably best , your going in circles thinking perhaps DD or anyone else doesn't know the answer , but it doesn't work that way I try and find a link for a tavcom course for you
  8. Well you need the manual , and you need to understand what defaulting does and what the alarm does It's better to scrap it tho and if you intend to try and make "something work" get a scantronic 9651 and it will be easier to setup and you can work your way through the faults over the 6minths to few years if that's what it takes Sometimes it may work to an extent but you can never realised the problems , you will have to get or ask for help on each problem that occurs
  9. It was a serious question As a house basher even I know the benefits of 2way security Vs 1way (but then I have electronics training background so have a grasp of how the tech works as opposed to those who just learn about alarms and connect wires, but I am learning still haha) Probably better then get some training on products and Comms
  10. Dude what do you install to what grade of protection ?
  11. Listen man have fun trying to them away lol
  12. When you defaulted you reset everything and will be time consuming to sort out I assume before you did the default you made sure programming manual was available etc?
  13. Just run the cable and go for it
  14. Not if your making a quick buck and don't care I guess
  15. Yes show him it's all public But he probably already knows , unless his colleagues don't have a cess to trade? Is this trade or public thread? If public Eaton need to sort themselves out , they could really give someone like texe a run for then money , they would even more to DIY and make more money 9651 however is still being installed , I surprised they still make it or is it just millions of left overs?
  16. Data fusion has that info And I am 100% the Eaton man scantronic is reading this
  17. I might have gone Eaton scantronic if all devices were two way , to late tough
  18. Send me the keypad he can have rest I going to make keypad kill video and put it on Mr H channel
  19. Does flex have anything in menu to say banner? That's what was on older versions Set display , probably not unless switching off the en thing and it allows it , I am guessing Is keypad visible from outside to know it's set or not? As that would be disadvantage if you get me
  20. That sounds good , if above is actually what you meant
  21. You wish you had the wisdom instead of enforcer .........
  22. "We don't" So you admitted it , so explain y you hate him?
  23. This has been discussed in-depth on trade side , you should apply and have a read through Or someone might list the software used on average here for you
  24. Useful if you want to arm an annexe or only door etc stuff like that
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