Replace cover while your at it if it doesn't clean up well , but as swb says , battery cheap to replace
Chop that bad boy out and put a new battery in if your capable
So why E aton show ha online
I don't really know lol I was looking at stuff like
But I suppose you mean something else
Now I confused how you got two wireless expanders on a 9651.....
Better wait for mr DD
Either way if you have spare wireless channels then you can get a radio contact for the door aswell
I.assumingnyou actually have a 9571/2
Yes it could potentially do your shed door as swb says in so many words
Most panels can programme through keypad , most basic in better ranges is the galaxy I think but then I never tried the spc
Logan you should install maybe your orisec panels for a bit , is there one in shed yet?
In that case my advise to you , is take it on the chin and put this panel in bin or back on eBay
Buy a new alarm like an enforcer which probably right up your street being nice DIY panel to an extent