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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. Hkc then perhaps texecon
  2. Think they gone into business together
  3. Just apply as stated , you can't blag it as there was only one position for that and I got it ha
  4. Might take bit longer if you going to tap the card aswell
  5. That's "Al" Hi
  6. Welcome ( to the zoo)
  7. You think so? I thought it looks better than there stuff lol
  8. Depending on how much of a lunatic you are Get hold of a TDR ,measure the length of the cable , you may need to stick on a 100m before attaching that one might give distance for you to look at Like I said it's only if your bored and a lunatic and so on With the distance it can only be so far hahaha Otherwise tone tracer might help , but switch off all electrics at fuse box before trying to tone trace it
  9. Interference on the wireless connection Can you see all the cables at the common point ? Meaning if through walls and floors you can access everything ?
  10. So these zones connected wired to the QH16 , and the QH16 has an antennae to send back signal to the main panel?
  11. Fail secure door release jobby? Keep it simple
  12. Cool dude of course so get some extenders that allow hdmi and IR on one unit , if the distance is short like 10m then use a hdmi cable and separate cable for mouse and ir extender with it and your done Ultimately it costs a small budget to do these things with extra bits and bobs
  13. Then I would say you don't really know what your doing Again put the NVR somewhere else and make whatever you need remote
  14. Y you need access ? To front ?
  15. Use non Poe NVR and put it somewhere else?
  16. Get rid pir and use perimeter protection in that area perhaps you maybe 3-4 contacts / shocks depending on how many opening you have
  17. al-yeti


    You see , like you said always blame others and not see yourself , I gona tell on you
  18. al-yeti


    You got problems man
  19. I need a new job no money in alarms or being a comic And ss doesn't get it lol
  20. Lol
  21. Your comment lol
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