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About marx

  • Birthday 18/11/1978

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  1. thats great. thnx
  2. Anyone knows something that would have alarm inputs and send alarms to email addresses? IP and would fit inside alarm panel. Thnx
  3. its a new blue rio i think, not 100% sure now i had fiew here, cant remember which one i picked up. I have spoke to guy from honeywell and he said that there is not been many faults with portals, but i might be unlucky and have faulty one. Supplier have agreed to give me new portal with latest firmware, fingers crossed that that will cure my problems.
  4. its in side a minute, not sure how many seconds. log dosent show seconds. whats involved updating portal firmware? i phoned tech support, he told me to delete everything and start adding detectors one at the time, just to see when jam pops up again. system was running fine first 24h and after adding boxed rio in garage then problems started. rf100 v3.00 ch1 noise0,ch2 noise0. and no warnings. i switched off 4g router and still rf jams poped up. house is not finished and its empty there is no microwave signals and no nabers in 300m radius. fitted flex 20 with 3x contact/viper+ wireless smoke detector, then boxed rio, 30m away from house. need to get this sorted and that would be my last flex install lol.
  5. less then a minute.
  6. only RF JAM RF100.
  7. reading some older posts, looks like other people had problems when fitted portal and rio on flex. and thinking back i think that thats what happened. First day everything was ok, second day i connected rio in garage and thats when rf jam's started. Good that i have spare cables to garage, might need to get some one to connect some zones straight back to panel.
  8. I have installed flex20 3weeks ago and after day2 have a loads of rf100 jam's. Something is jamming portal, moved to to different location and its just same. Problem is that site is in other country. is there any way i can sort that firmware problem over network? i have gx remote control access to site. Or i can send them new portal with new firmware and return that for warranty? flex20 is 3.18, portal is V 3.00. i have another site with G3 v6.84 and portal v2.11 and working very well, no problems at all. thnx M
  9. Hi all, We are looking for Security Sub-Contrator's in Glasgow/Edinburgh area. Access control, Intruder alarm, IP CCTV. Anyone intrested send me PM.
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