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Everything posted by Flossyrockstar

  1. Remove the mains supply and put a meter across the battery terminals that'll tell you if it's cattled!
  2. I've got the infinite prime with 5 pet IR,s two fully grown cats and in four and a half years not one false alarm, well not from the cats anyway
  3. CRBE?? And welcome.
  4. Ciao e Benvenuto (google translate is your friend)!
  5. We've had a couple of issues with devices being jammed and it turned out to be ***** duracel batteries with a low O/P!! When batteries changed for GP cells the units performed fine!!
  6. My bad, he told me this morning its an app update rather than panel firmware.
  7. No idea where the 5 minutes comes from, Our sales guy was told about the five minutes thing by a Texecom tech last week, apparently its to stop someone setting their alarm from their phone (when there away) if there is someone still in the house moving around.
  8. I thought the saying was "flatter than" ?
  9. I'll do my best!! )
  10. Or should i say thank you chaps!!!! )
  11. But the smart phone stuff doesn't conform to NSI, Texecom are doing a firmware update that doesn't allow setting if there's been activity on a zone within five minutes of you trying to set the system from your phone so what's the point of that you may as well prox out as you go, don't get me wrong I love tech, but IP intruder alarms are a bit of a turn off for me and I can't really see it as a selling point for new systems other than for notifications, but what do I know I thought EBay was gonna be a flash in the pan!
  12. But how many customers want IP smartphone etc etc anyway, most want a system that detects an intruder and makes a row when it does!
  13. If it wasn't for the crappy period Eaton went through with reliability issues the I-on would be the one i'd fit on 95 percent of most domestics, the Texecom is what our sales guy goes with and it works but they have had there issues recently.
  14. Yep and everyone has their car key on their keyring that has the house keys and the alarm fob on. So the thieving twats get a vehicle thrown in to remove their ill gotten gains!!!
  15. Yeah but then so is arming and disarming with a fob, they nick yer keys, they then have access to your alarm system, that's madness!
  16. Beldon if the panel/controller has no opto isolation like the Northern/Honeywell N1000 II's and IV's and the new (for me ) net axs panel, also the RBH Axiom stuff between the NC 100's and RC2's, ACT recommend UTP, so it all depends on which system your fitting.
  17. Im looking forward to IFSEC, there even doing it in London these days so no slog up the M40.
  18. I was made redundant in 2000 when Northern was purchased by Honeywell, so yeah at least 15 years, theres an awful lot thats changed in that time especially with the rise in popularity of wireless stuff, but I'm loving the new IP cameras/software thats come about. The image quality is superb compared to the old cv equipment that was around back then. So you have your own company, I hope its going well, starting your own business is a lot of work but also a lot of fun and the rewards can be good if your lucky and put the hours in. I spoke to another blast from the past earlier on in the year when i had to call Honeywell tech about a Maxpro NVR, turned out it was Peter Wilkinson who id helped out on a project in Leeds back in 98, he also remembered the long hair and the fact i support Preston North end!!!
  19. Yep that was me! )
  20. Yes that would have been me, Swift, Secom, MFRS or SPE??? or non of the above?? He is but he doesn't look it!! ;-)
  21. Afternoon fellow security doods and doodettes. My names Pete though most peeps call me Flossy or Floss, I worked for an integrated security company in south east London in the nineties, then a CCTV company in Manchester for a couple of years, then spent three years as a Techy for Northern Computers in Crawley. I left the industry in 2000 and opened a Guitar shop in Orpington. Now after a gap of 15 Years I'm back working for the company I worked for 20 years ago!!
  22. I belive a lot of manufactures have been discontinuing/upgrading models to make them onvif compliant. +1 for the Dahua/Qvis cameras, have 1 150 camera install with Exacqvision and another with 28 on Qvis Terminator NVR, both fit and forget with fantastic image quality.
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