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Everything posted by spike27

  1. New link to our ever popular Grade 3 surface contact YEND74 below: http://www.knightfireandsecurity.com/product/grade-3-surface-contact-suitable-for-double-doors-with-mid-suits-all-panels-white/
  2. Thanks for this. I will make some enquiries.
  3. Hi MrHappy. I will ask if we've changed the resin / compound used to seal the units recently and update the thread when I get an answer back.
  4. Bit late to the thread so apologies, but a few years back we did have issues on our G3 RSC (YF10C). They would be tested with a meter successfully pre-install, tested in situ successfully, then commissioned and handed over successfully. Yet a random period later, they have gone into tamper (usually at 3am). Cue phone calls to us, site visits (150 separate loading bays in large Distribution Depot) to inspect but no visible damage and RSC working perfectly well leading to much scratching of heads. Turned out that some of the concrete bays were steel reinforced (buried in concrete so not visible) and the Magnetic Interference Detection was being triggered due to natural variations in the magnetic field. This led to the design, manufacture and supply of the 10mm thick rubber spacer in the video below. This has alleviated every instance of this problem.
  5. Fair point. As we managed to cram in so many different panel options / double door config / TACT tamper and MID for G3 , the orientation of the arrowed resistor modules can be a little fiddly. Although they are shipped out as Galaxy config by default, if that helps...
  6. for the feedback! Don't know if you've tried our G2 and G3 flush multi's recently, but we've now thinned the fixing plates down to 1mm after installer input.
  7. Really sorry to hear that. He was the poster I most associated with this forum. RIP
  8. Have you tried them recently? We strengthened the lid clips and slots after negative feedback around 12 mths ago so you should see an improvement.
  9. Our G3 'Soapdish' speaker is a perennial favourite, presumably for its sleek lines and unobtrusive aesthetics http://www.knightfireandsecurity.com/view_item.asp?id=46
  10. Hi Adi - we did have a multi drawing but it was discovered (after your call) that it didn't correlate perfectly to a later revision of the PCB shared zone jumpers! So yes, you did indeed alert us to this anomaly, so thanks for that :'> Also, my Technical colleague here saw your comments above and said for me to say thanks for the positive feedback! Any further queries from you or any other posters are welcome on here, good and bad as it helps us improve!
  11. Hi Neil, Not sure if this is resolved, but in any case could I ask which partcode you were using to try to ascertain the issue? It does seem likely that the contacts were too close and the knocking together is affecting the delicate reed inside (albeit momentarily but enough to create an alarm / tamper).
  12. You don't state which contacts you used on that installation but for future reference, our G3+G2 YEND74 and G2 D75MULTI are specifically designed for multi contact configurations, as detailed in the diagram below:
  13. Hello all. Bit late to see this, but the D75MULTI is an addition to our range i.e. it didn't replace anything. The YEND74 is one of our most popular contacts and is predominantly used as G3, but also contains a header to bypass the Magnetic Interference Detection thus making it suitable for G2 also, thus reducing van stock / distributor storage space required. The D75 is for those who want to add their own resistors - the D75MULTI comes complete with resistors (both obviously cheaper than the YEND74). All of these products contain 2 free spacers in each pack.
  14. Yes, you were right Charlie. And thanks for the condiment
  15. Posted this in wrong thread earlier, so here it is again:
  16. Unfortunately, I posted this in the wrong thread so if the mods would like to remove it then feel free.
  17. Below is a screenshot of our non-resistored RSC install sheet for your reference:
  18. An excellent point, well made *note to self - check installer forum more often*
  19. Just noticed that you mentioned 2 reds and 2 whites in your OP, which actually suggests you have our unresistored F10A / F10C there. The install sheet is available at the link below: http://www.knightfireandsecurity.com/uploads/F10A%20Inst%20Mini.doc
  20. Interesting to note. Will log this for any future tech queries we get along these lines, .
  21. Not sure what EN50131 grade system this is but we have loads of options for you, inlcuding selectable resistors for all the main UK panels in one product on our preresistored products (i.e. not 'colour' or 'Type' coded for different panels) plus ours have generous operating gaps and are suitable for use on double doors / shared zones / wired in series: Grade 2 surface contacts: http://www.knightfireandsecurity.com/catalogue.asp?id=21 G3 surface contacts: http://www.knightfireandsecurity.com/catalogue.asp?id=22
  22. This is correct datadiffusion. We only use UK sourced reeds in our products, from Hamlin and Standex. These high quality components may cost more than the foreign manufacturers, but we keep costs down through efficient mass manufacturing and our other strength over our competitiors is that all of ours are manufactured and assembled here in the UK. I remember seeing a competitors' packaging which clearly states 'Made in China'... Even with the highest quality however, the nature and fragility of the reeds themselves means that they need very careful handling from receipt by us right through to installation and maintenance. Despite the tightest QA procedures involving testing every product before they’re shipped, there are always a tiny number that somehow arrive on site in a faulty condition. The nature of the reeds inside means that an invisible crack can test ok at the factory, but as the sealed gas slowly seeps out, it becomes faulty before or even months after install / handover. As a company we always ask for any faulty units to be returned so we can test them to see what went wrong. We also offer a no quibble replacement arrangement (either through your distributor or direct through us). Unfortunately, as they are often the lowest cost part of the system, they're often binned so we never find out ( Of those that do report back however, we respond very quickly.
  23. Hi Happychappy, Sounds like you either have our F10CMULTI (G2) or our YF10C (G3). Both product web links are listed below fyi, and each of those contains downloadable install sheets which will show you the colours you need to connect to get this baby firing: F10CMULTI: http://www.knightfireandsecurity.com/view_item.asp?id=331 YF10C: http://www.knightfireandsecurity.com/view_item.asp?id=279
  24. Just spotted this and whilst I'm sure this has been resolved by now our F10CMULTI (G2) is suitable to be wired two to a zone, as is our YF10C (G3). Sections of wiring diagrams below (full diagrams available for download at the links): F10CMULTI: http://www.knightfireandsecurity.com/uploads/F10C%20multi%20%20inst%20001.doc YF10C: http://www.knightfireandsecurity.com/uploads/YF10Cii%20rev2.pdf
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