they do they have all got there noses in the same trough,its failed and even the working man can see it, time to go back being your own country and running it how you see fit where your own people are put first,simple concept
i think once they go a few more will follow,the greeks wont go bust as putin will help them out and he will take pleasure in watching it all fall down the uk will vote to be out soon tho wouldnt be surprised if they bailed before that and did a deal with russia too too many on the gravy train
for every member of staff? if the current sounders for class change are independent the wiring could be reused for speakers saving a great deal on install costs
the problem with tones and 4 different ones they will have to be very distinctive staff will forget them kids will think its class change or fire alarm and will bolt the second they go off,better to go the spoken route ie staff announcement code 100,200 etc and up sell the benefits of a pa system
but thats the pressure of being a sub,its on fixed price so you have to cane it sometimes to get it in on time,as its public i wont go into the rights and wrongs of that but its been said in previous posts
weve all done it subby or not,ive done it in this game for years and thought feeling run down and dizzy was the norm,cut right back and i now realise how ill i really felt all for a bit of extra cash which in hindsight was all going on tax
its not just that its the blatant disregard for h&s you show,theres not a member on here that hasnt done daft hours or ghosters in the past but you cant do it these days to many laws and penalties and if your working on major sites with clerkys/site managers a red card is coming soon