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Everything posted by goncall

  1. your still a subby tho,and if the co your subbing for allows you to work those hours in their name id ask just how important you are to them
  2. same with one device or two separate devices
  3. you can on galaxy but agree it would be better with the right detector in the right place
  4. 100 hrs x around 12ph minus tax @ 40 % plus ni would net around 600 ish pm extra ts not a lot really,and ive done it
  5. but most on here think that pay as little as possible and charge as much as possible then complain when customers think the same
  6. if the numbers didnt add up on one school job and you had to take a hit to get it done due to lack of service availability and had to pay more for labour than costed for would you walk away from that customer even if they are a good paying customer
  7. but what if they want it done at the price given would you pay the ot to keep the customer happy even if it comes off the bottom line
  8. now thats what i call closed protocol
  9. **** for bubbles then....
  10. its no where near as good,but ive grown to like it,bit run down but the people are sound tbf
  11. you can name it,if i was naming it id go for 60 hrs for a full weekend dont want to be greedy just a bit extra
  12. i guess that would be an improvement from the daily grind of dodging muggers and beggars
  13. Why,i take it you pay time/half and double
  14. Just do them on a weekend then,thats what I do
  15. this wasnt a remote service he dialled it to do a software update and it all went wrong and if i remember right was going to leave it and risk it until some on here made him change his mind and call the keyholder out to fix it
  16. depends how its progd,good practice is unset only with customer permission but a thread a while back where someone dialled into a set system and fck it up leaving the site with no alarm and had to call the keyholder out
  17. id move the mag up and put the contact underneath too
  18. that rsc needs changing its got false alarm written all over it
  19. will still prevent setting tho think yourself lucky its still attached to the shutter
  20. the rubber seal causes more problems than enough the other ends up bolted i agree
  21. technically a beam will show being open either by masking or being removed
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