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  1. Thank you grantc but I don’t really want to spread my focus, plus the companies I’m happy with offered these 2 systems; so it’s between those two
  2. Sorry I don’t remember what I posted 7 years ago!
  3. Is there a thread here that can help me finding a reputable company to professionally fit an alarm system
  4. Thanks Peter, that sounds like the best way to go. will try and source a reputable company and see what they say.
  5. You’re right, I’m looking into monitoring as well. this is not a DIY, I’m on the lookout for a professional installation, but really struggling to settle on the best possible panel option first. reliability is my number 1 priority, hence me leaning towards hybrid system, but I stand to be corrected if there is a more reliable alarm system out there.
  6. But they don’t offer a hybrid panel, which would allow me to use my existing wires to connect sensors. I’m not full of trust when it comes to 100% wireless alarms tbh
  7. Thank you Amps, I heard great things about Pyronix and Which Magazine rates them high (If that's anything to go by) Do you know if I can use my existing PIRs & Door Contact sensors with it Or will i need to replace them? Thanks again
  8. Thank you, I did not consider Scantronic in the past as I did not think they are reliable compared to Honeywell & Risco But will definitely look into it.
  9. Hello all, I need your help choosing a modern alarm system. I know this the right place for independent professional advise. currently have a Honeywell Galaxy wired alarm with 2 door contact sensors, 2 PIR detectors and smoke alarm. There is a speech dilar and this is an acoustic only alarm (10 years old now) i want to upgrade to a better system with some smart features like the ability to use an APP to set/unset/part-set the alarm as well as receive notifications of events,...etc. a hybrid system would be great as I’m always weary of completely wireless, also gives me the chance to use the existing wires. what brand control panel would you really recommend (Professional installation) we are looking into systems that allows the use of a remote control with panic button for my parents in law if possible, and a proximity of for the rest of the family. thank you folks for any recommendations
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