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Everything posted by thorg

  1. Technicolor TG 582n
  2. I spent 12 h and it still doesn't work. Got dinner and some beer in that shop, need to install few cameras extra for this customer. But found this: http://www.hackforums.net/printthread.php?tid=3751536 if any hacker cannot do anything with this s.hit.ty router, I give up. I have found many users around the world ask how to configure technicolor router for game application, and this rubbish doesn't work. If I met technicolor router designer I would kick his as.s today. On Tuesday my CCNA exam, and I need to learn a lot of, 4 days left only, but today is completely wasted, luckily, customer gave me few cans of beer. same story here: http://bobmckay.com/i-t-support/geek-rant-technicolor-tg582n-worst-adsl-modem-ever
  3. I assigned DVR1 name and moved to DMZ few times, firewall disabled, it still doesn't work Whole Friday wasted
  4. what a rubbish!!!!! 4 h spent dvr moved to DMZ, firewall disabled, ping on WAN interface enabled, tried different ports, but I still cannot ping the DVR, and cam view software cannot connect within LAN. Last week this router was connected to Virgin Media, I could ping straight away, only enabled ports on VM router and could see picture from cameras. All done within few minutes and worked!!!! But that was Virgin Media. F*c.king talk talk and technicolor Now is:
  5. 3 hours spent on site reconfiguring all Achievement: device status from "inactive" changed to "active" but I still cannot ping the DVR and CMSView fails to connect to DVR pulling hair out of my head I really would like to kick technicolor reouter desiginer's as* for this piece of ****
  6. I cannot change DVR name in menu. It is Device ID, I can see it on DVR but is not displayed in router menu, only unknown and MAC address No more talk talk, and technicolor routers. I will refuse to install.
  7. I change setting in DVR to obtain Ip through DHCP, DVR got new IP from router, but I cannot ping it, I moved it to DMZ, it still does not work. I never saw so shi*** router
  8. hey Im on site, I moved dvr ip to DMZ and still no luck. Customer has static IP. The shot screen: http://i.imgur.com/xk0fTKj.jpg Router found dvr, but I cannot ping it within LAN. "Destination host unreachable"
  9. I wrote I had set portforwarding in the router. Port 8000. This worked on Virgin Media router without any problems. I tried few ports and no luck. It is very weird I cannot ping DVR but router found dvr connected to interface, IP address and MAC address. I also see Technicolour is rubbish, very unfriendly user menu, but my customer has it, and probably cannot change.
  10. Hi I just installed CCTV and works except internet. This is business Talk Talk, router Technicolor TG 582n. Ethernet cable is good, laptop connected works, I set port forwarding on the router, but I cannot ping DVR. Message is: Destination host unreachable. the router has dvr on the network devices list, correct interface, IP address, MAC address, but there is no full connectivity between dvr and router. Day before same DVR was tested and connected to Virgin Media router, worked fine. Now while connected to Talk Talk router does not connect to the router. Subnet mask, default gateway, DNS were set correctly on DVR. Who can help? Perhaps Talk Talk uses different ports, or firewall issue?????
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