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jb-eye last won the day on January 9

jb-eye had the most liked content!


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  1. replacing a battery wouldn't prevent the panel from working. Im sure you haven't been daft enough to drop the power. What does it say say when you re-initialise?
  2. Pete

    have you tested the chink auto door opener yet. If so what were your thoughts?

  3. At the all Ireland game.

  4. In Devon, for a couple of days,

    1. whistle


      Work or play ?

    2. lymebayalarms


      Play I hope, don't want any more competitors down here!

  5. Wife wants a Bentley convertible so I'm of look. Ironically it's raining

  6. Just done the Sctland run, 700miles one tank of fuel

    1. whistle


      In what? I can get 700 miles from the Mondeo if I take the ladders off.

  7. Back in the UK tomorrow, just broke a rib and hurts like hell.

  8. Why is it everyone who DOSENT have NSI GOLD either makes an excuse or pretends they do or old if they wanted. This NSI GOLD imitation thing realy is sincerest rom of flattery. In any event it appears the gold theme is finaly creeping back in to specifiers documents
  9. Its epidemic and installers dont have a single body to lobby about this. Used to be easy just say to customers dont use them unless. Now its just pot luck. Divided we fell!
  10. I would have gone with beam paired to. Remember it's a G2X is bells only thus no confirmed anyway
  11. Replacing the boiler for buffer tank and A/Water.

  12. Today i fell out of a ceiling. a little more than my pride was hurt

  13. Away for ten days. bliss!

  14. Have an international game against France at 8:30 tomorrow.in Rotherham. Not much chance in this weather.

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