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sjsturner last won the day on March 24 2018

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About sjsturner

  • Birthday 10/12/1984

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  1. I assume the loop wiring is clean and not compromised? sounds like more damage, checked the screens? Any earth faults?
  2. The scary thing is that people are doing stuff like that! there was a spark we worked with fairly often on sites worked for a fairly large company and he was always hanging doors, tarmacing drives ect (you know the type) He came in one Monday to say he earnt a nice number over the weekend moving and replacing a back boiler!!! And said re-routing the gas supply is easy now with the new Hep plastic tubing!!!! needless to say everyone savaged him about it and the gas engineers from site went and sorted it for him. His company counterparts were going to report him if it wasn’t sorted, he did move on a little while after too
  3. I think he’s saying that he longs for the day that he feels accepted by his counterparts on here lol
  4. The last lad I spoke too who did a years course C&G at college passed it ect, I asked him what panels they used on the rigs, his answer “none” it was all drawing and answering questions, they looked at a small domestic intruder panel once. He didn’t know how to terminate resistors or anything, in reality he was qualified to instal intruder alarms but didn’t know how too.
  5. There used to be a C&G Intruder Alarm qual but it was nights/day release for 1 year and I must admit the kids that did it without working in the alarm industry came into security jobs and didn’t have a clue. I believe it covers fire+Intruder now but is 2 year course! The best form of training comes on the job, buddying up with a decent engineer, it is time consuming but the veterans in this game is where the gold is in terms of knowledge. Creating test rigs does help too. if you wants Quals for the boys Tavcom maybe the easiest solution.
  6. Oh and hi lloydh welcome to TSI!
  7. I’m going Cookie country again soon, can’t wait! Stick your custard creams where the sun don’t shine.
  8. Yeah that did cross my mind too.
  9. +1 WD purple drives are good.
  10. QFA If you do wish to keep it, expect to pay around £200-£300 to have it all re tested and commissioned. you may get a cheaper deal if you are going to put it on an annual service contract, (this would also give you access to emergency call out facility incase It’s goes pop)
  11. Christ! Which number?
  12. QFA but personally I wouldn’t go back on books, if I had to get employed I would do something else.
  13. Texecom, Scanny and Galaxy is mostly all you find in the South West, come across the odd accenta ect, happy times!
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