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Paul P

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Community Answers

  1. Personally I would go for dynamic CCTV. http://www.dynamic-cctv.com/
  2. Yep we know that, it would be nice to be able to listen to the radio for half an hour without starting the engine. And have interia lights that will stay on for more than 30 seconds on a bad day. Some one has lost the plot on how vans are used.
  3. Never ectched a pcb, but used strip board in the past. Trouble is most stuff can be found ready built now for next to nothing so not worth the trouble of build it your self.
  4. Looking at the schematic from earlier it looks like it just boosts the voltage up and puts it through a regulator. Then put a diode in series to drop it a little and stop reverse current flow. The question is we will have 14v ish from the cigarette lighter socket when the engine is running so can you just use the diode to stop reverse current flow and also drop the voltage a bit so as not to cook the 7ah battery. Also is there an easy way to stop it charging when the 7ah battery is full. All the kits I have seen seems to be for the larger leisure batteries.
  5. I am up for the 7ah battery solution, I have a pergot van and all it want to do is stop you using electric to power anything. It goes into Eco mode so you can only have about 30 seconds of light when you open the back doors. What twit thought that was good on a van. I like the cigarette lighter solution so I can't be blamed it the electrics goes tits up.
  6. They were purchase by cooper security. Scanie & Menvier to me.
  7. Yes I agree been one of there courses but they are too friendly with the local competition.
  8. Yes I must admit FAAC would be my choise but they are so fussy who they deal with and my boss has seen pound note signs. Just hoping no one was going to say total **** Regards Paul
  9. Just been given a Brochure from A.C.H. Distribution Ltd and was wondering if anyone has used there GiBiDi Gate drive units, Are the drive units any good and there customer service. Regards Paul
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