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Everything posted by PeterJames

  1. QFA most decent panels come with an app now so you have complete control, arm/disarm omit faulty zones and arm. The service isnt free but probably cheaper than a PAYG SIM and it would have to go through an installer. If your GSM dialler has an output you could wire the output through the sounder circuit, but you would need to understand at least the basics to do it, the fact that you have asked the question makes me think you wont be able to DIY this
  2. If you only had three wires coming from your panel 12vdc and trigger how did the SD1 switch off the external sounder? IIRC the SD1 just stopped calling you when you pressed 8. I dont think it rearmed your alarm, and I dont think that the 800L had an input that allowed you to rearm or disable the sounder
  3. Probably is the detector, however, Id still be checking what voltage you have at the detector, if the battery was not replaced before it failed it could have damaged the charging circuit. Especially if the panel is as old as the detector.
  4. What voltage have you got on the 12v aux? When was the last time it was serviced? when was the battery last changed. If the battery is pulling the voltage down this could be causing not enough voltage reaching the detector which could be your problem
  5. Yes thats called back focusing
  6. You can try Risco is the only place you can get one probably
  7. QFA probably needs a spacer ring
  8. Hi, The battery should be replaced every four years. This is the manufacturers expected lifetime guidelines. I have known batteries to continue to hold good life long after four years, but accredited installers have to follow the manufactures guidelines. The performance of the battery is effected by many things, the quality of the electricity more spikes and fluctuations will reduce the life of the battery. The quality of the charging system (HKC is generally good) power cuts discharging and charging the battery will reduce its life. The size of the battery should reflect the current pulled from the system.
  9. If the panel is supplied with installation instructions, they should aso tell you the required info re the wireless devices and how to wire hardwired devices to them. you will probably need eol resistors, these normally come with the panel. I dont think there are many people that frequent these forums that install Pyronix, so doubtful any of us would know off the top of our heads. The reason I asked if you knew the eng code, is many people come here asking questions, but even with the answer they cant set/program something up because they dont have access to the engineers menu. Once you have the panel and instructions come back if you need help deciphering what they mean
  10. Do you know the engineer code for the panel?
  11. I think SWB meant on the beam, I agree I would use that, if the cable fails it fails in alarm
  12. Probably take 3/4 hour to walk test 47 sensors @ 1 per minute. I would go with Imran on half a day but not all engineers work at the same speed some will be all day at it.
  13. If someone else is able to change the programming then they cant prove they didnt. If its locked then they can prove they didnt.
  14. Nothing is produced forever, sooner or later something better comes along and its not cost effective to keep making parts for the older kit. Decent manufactures do make stuff backward compatible though. Im not so sure they would be fine for the average private household, they advertise themselves with the name on the bell so anyone clever enough could just buy one bit of circumventing kit and go around looking for houses with Yale alarms knowing that the owner has a false sense of security. But they are cheaper than a dog, which can also be circumvented with drugged meat
  15. If you never lock it then lose it to another company its that much harder for them to prove it was never programmed correctly in the first place. Which was my point.
  16. So long as you get a written cancellation the contract with the customer has ended along with any obligations you may have. If the customer decides to use a non accredited /uninsured installer it would most likely cancel their insurance anyway. Most insurers will only accept a system under an accredited company maintenance contract. If the insurance co hasnt stated this then the insurance is not reliant on the intruder system in the first place. I cant speak for SSAIB but one of the first things my NSI auditor checks is that I have my £10mil Efficacy insurance, therefore in the unlikely event that the customer goes with an accredited installer that turns out not to be insured, then the company owner will be in trouble not the incumbent. IMO by locking the panel you open yourself up-to being sued if there is a fail to operate. If the panel is still locked this proves that nobody else has tampered with the programming since you installed it, Much harder to dispute, but thats why we have insurance.
  17. I do get that the programing of the system is the intellectual property of the installer. But once the system has been taken on by another, legally the incumbent has released all responsibility as the contract between the incumbent and the customer has ended. Not to mention that they have no control of what any incoming party does to the system theron. In same way that when we take over a system we will re-program and walk test it, as we are taking on the responsibility. There is no way that an incumbent can be held responsible for a fail to operate if its under a service contract with someone else and any court of law would understand that.
  18. They should be able to reset it unless its locked. Most good companies dont lock the engineer codes, there is little point in burning bridges.
  19. That is quite bizarre panels have a Non Volatile Memory (NVM) so they normally dont lose their programming when the power is completely lost. It could be that the default codes process was activated when you powered the system back up. Not sure what the default code for the powermax would be but its normally something like 1234, 4567, 7890, 0123, 2222, ect you could run through each one to see if any of them work. Keep your fob to hand because two many wrong codes will cause tampers
  20. We should just stop stereotyping by the colour of each others skin and just treat people how we would want to be treated, it would solve a lot of problems
  21. I agree with Elon, we take racism too far the wrong way. Everyone should be treated equally, and not by the colour of their skin, sexual preference or religion. You get good and bad people in all races religions and sexual preferences. Treating people favourably or unfairly because they are in some way a minority is just racist or fascist even. The other fooking woke term I hate is "people of colour" if thats not a racist term I dont know what is. When the term "people of colour" is used what they mean is, everyone that is not white. I get that minorities have been treated badly in the past but its never gonna change all the while people keep banging on about skin colours instead of treating each other like the same fooking race. Dont get me wrong, I love people, most are great, but there are so many people who over step trying to do the right thing because they are too stupid to realise that they dont have to make up for the milk that was spilt by their ancestors, they just have to be careful not to spill any more of it.
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