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Everything posted by PeterJames

  1. The insurance company is not responsible for the contractor staying in business, if your trying to claim for non payment they will just point you in the direction of the administrator. If its a case that the contractor screwed a PTZ camera up and it fell off the wall and killed someone that may be a different matter, assuming that the contractor had fully paid their premium. We have just been told by our insurer that we have to keep our employer liability insurance documents for forty years in case an engineer makes a claim on something or other so who knows?
  2. I have a commercial shredder but it would take several days to shred the lot I have, I think im gonna have to get a proper shredding co to do it
  3. 4737 is the old standard withdrawn 2010 and theres a few more than two standards
  4. From an employers point of view: It depends on the size of the job, If a job is supposed to take 8 hours, sending one man it will take 8 hours, but sending two men it will take 6 hours taking into account travel time ect An engineer costs £37.50 per hour so two engineers cost £65.00 per hour, so sending two chaps to do an 8 hour job would cost £90.00 more, if I was to quote my jobs with an additional £90.00 chances are I would not get it. Whilst sending two chaps to the same job will get the job done slightly quicker it wont necessarily be more efficient either. I could send two chaps to do two jobs that take 8 hours and get two jobs done, but if I send two blokes to one 8 hour job they wont finish it in time to get to the second 8 hour job. Sometimes there are jobs where two men are essential, the ladder needs footing, or on a maintenance where the fire alarm needs resetting while the other chap is testing the smokes. For this we have apprentices, apprentices cost less, but they do less, in most cases they can slow the engineer down as he has to keep stopping to show the apprentice how to screw stuff on the wall. I still think these little chaps can be handy to go and get the tea or the special adjusting tool from the van. On top of this good ones do learn and eventually save time, but they are expensive to begin with, especially when they nail your expensive C&K screw driver under the floorboards and re lay the carpet before you have noticed. This is what I would recommend over sending two skilled chaps to the same job. If the job is a few weeks worth of work then I tend to use a group of subbies on price work and just use my chaps to commission
  5. It would seem that you no longer have to keep hard copies of your VAT invoices https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/vat-notice-70063-electronic-invoicing/vat-notice-70063-electronic-invoicing#introduction So long as you comply with the HMRC's rules. I am about to move premises and I have 10 years worth of invoices in the loft, and the last 6 years of hard copy invoices in filing cabinets downstairs. The expense of having these security shredded by a professional company would be costly. I could burn them on a bomb fire at home but that struck me as a waste, and not very kind to the planet. Any green ideas on how I could recycle them, taking into account they are a data protection risk I asked HMRC about 10 years ago why an electronic copy of an invoice is not acceptable, and they kept telling me that I must keep the last 6 years hard copy. Think how many trees they would have saved if they had said good idea Mr James I will send out a memo to everyone.
  6. Irrelevant in most cases. Keypads for 4737 systems were not supposed to be installed where you can see the keypad, and EN50131 systems cannot show if they are armed or not.
  7. Hi
  8. Yep you can link out all the zones on your hotel apartment alarm come back the following week and burgle the new occupants
  9. Honeywell is available in Europe, well its quite popular here in the UK, but it will be a higher specification than the US version. If I recall correctly US do not have tamper circuits, they dont have external sounders in favour of a board in the garden, so the panel may not even have external sounder outputs
  10. Reading the plastic it says there is a back tamper, meaning that both lid and the tamer at the rear of the box needs to be closed
  11. Try holding the spring down and resetting the alarm, the button makes a click noise when closed
  12. Are you sure the lid is closing the switch properly? try stretching the spring a little
  13. On a serious note a career is if not the most important, it is one of the most important things you are going to choose in your life. Think about what you want to be doing with your life, a few of us have made a very good living from this industry, but I would say it is al relative. Its not about money its about happiness in what you do, its about having no regrets, if you want to do, then it do it, so long as you can afford to live on the wages. I would say at least a year not a few months to up your wage £3.5k, Ive just upped my trainee by £4k he has been with me just over a year and has had only one pay rise of £1k in that time, but he is now earning the co money whereas for a long time he was costing as he was slowing engineers down.
  14. I found a naturist magazine under the floor boards once thats about it
  15. use a 3.4 Ah battery you dont need 7Ah for 5 pirs a rkp and a bbox
  16. Just stating the facts Imran
  17. Im thinking about going and making a cup of tea
  18. 600mile round trip for me I doubt he would want to pay my charge for an engineer for days work plus overtime each way
  19. It looks like James isnt interested either, fussy bunch us lot
  20. There's a cafe on the M25 where many meet at lunch time but not sure which one or what time
  21. James covers Brum and he installs Honeywell, he may be able to help
  22. We have a minimum 3 week lead time, and work is constant. Lots of companies wont touch stuff they dont know, there are co's out there that are multi skilled but the problem with this is that it is hard enough training new engineers on panels that we already install let alone lots of different types of panels. We (As a company) never used to be fussy but we soon learned at our cost that its expensive not being fussy. Takeover systems that are not your preferred system and that have not been installed properly can come back and bite you hard. Theres a reason why many companies you called have gone, its mainly due to them being run the wrong way, the co's that run their co as a business are the ones that are still going, most of those will want to do the job their way or not at all. That said there are plenty of installers that install honeywell kit
  23. I wouldnt bother and just concentrate on getting my teleporter up and running
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