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Everything posted by PeterJames

  1. I would also be looking to see if I can come out of one of the first floor rooms that back on to the flat roof, and tube around the inside
  2. You could bury the cables and come up from the ground with tubing.
  3. What are you putting on the ground?
  4. Havet you got an uber customer you're supposed to be picking up?
  5. Hi Gazza and welcome, ignore Happy he is just trying to be optimistic
  6. Temperature changes effects everything metal expands and contracts, especially so in summertime when it gets very hot during the day and cold at night.
  7. What colour is your guttering? Black Cat 5 hides well behind black pipes, duct grade comes in white and some other colours link below. Internally we would go under the floorboards utilise any floor to ceiling cupboards and external down pipes with cable ties worse case. Again without seeing the property its hard to tell you how to hide the cable. https://www.millsltd.com/structured-cabling-products/cat-5e.html
  8. Hi Jim Welcome to the forum. Firstly I would not advise installing the recorder in the loft. In the winter its a cold place and in the summer time it will get very hot. Those temperature changes are not good for electronics. As for installing the cameras it is quite hard to say when we haven't seen the building this is why we survey properties. However, we would use copex outside rather than trunking, trunking is primarily used for internal cable containment.
  9. Remove circuit wires, dont worry about taping them they are not live, put links in each circuit. If you are not sure what you are doing then get someone who is to do it
  10. Put links in theplace of the wires you took out
  11. If it does then you know the problem is with the wiring if it doesnt the panel is probably knackered, tak a photo for ref before you start, remove existing wires because a short to tamper would also indicate open zone
  12. To be fair if you dont understand that much, its not a forum you need its an engineer. Linking out a wire across each circuit in the panel, take the existing wires out. Before you open the panel isolate the mains electricity can kill
  13. You will only attract customers that will expect you to work for free that way. So many people think this game is about how many customers you have regardless of the cost.
  14. Or you could get the same bell £10 cheaper here https://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/intruder-alarm-c-36/sounders-c-36_45/external-sounders-c-36_45_140/pyronix-deltabell-plus-external-sounder-back-plate-blue-p-2867.html
  15. Reading the ICO Code of Practice they also have to justify the reason for audio
  16. The thing is your not going to have a private conversation about shagging your neighbors wife infront of a Police officer wearing a bodycam. Its about awareness recording audio on CCTV is covertly recording audio, the Police are doing it overtly
  17. Well put up signs saying your recording audio and see what happens. The fact that its not admissible in court would do it for me. What about "The ICO doesn't like audio recording, you also have privacy issues recording audio" News of the world was sued for recording peoples conversations without their knowledge. Good luck with that
  18. I think youll find thats Stu's Mine just says "Welcome to Jamaica and have a nice day"
  19. When someone down votes a post its because they dont like whats written or they disagree
  20. Disagreeing with someone isnt harassment, sending unwanted dick pictures is
  21. The ICO doesnt like audio recording, you also have privacy issues recording audio, plus it would probably render the CCTV evidence as not admissible in court due to the signage not providing the correct warnings
  22. LOL Your not in Hampshre Surrey or London either
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