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Everything posted by PeterJames

  1. Ive been into this for some time now, back when I was an engineer my G500 was controlling my heating, curtains, lights, and, various other bits via Galaxy Gold. When I moved to this house I wanted something more purposely built rather than something I had strung together, so I nailed my flags to Lightwave RF good looking product nice sockets and light switch's and rad valves. Being an early user much of the stuff has not moved with the times, my rad valves wont work with the newest phone app, though my main stat does. None of the stuff is two way so you cant tell remotely if something is on or off, there are on and off buttons for each device so at least you know if its already on you havent switched it off or vica versa, but it would be great to know the status of devices. With the latest voice integrated technology like Cortana, Google Voice, Amazon Echo, and that iphone thing, I thought it would be nice to integrate my lightwave with an Echo or something so I dont have to pick up my phone to switch the lights on or heating up when I am home , guess what none of them integrate with lightwave, though I have found that smart things can be integrated. Is anyone using any of the others like smart things, or wemo, ect. I know that Risco are integrating their app to work with Zwave. This is a nerdy forum so there must be hundreds of us fooking around with this stuff
  2. It would be hard work with a bad knee I hope you are fully recovered. Start off by subbying this is what most do, it will also give you a feel of whether you are still able to do the work. Working for yourself is not for everyone, if you have no work you get no pay, if you are off sick you get no pay, if you want to go on holiday yo wont get paid while your off unless you have been sensible enough to include this in your labour charges.
  3. No, your website says that you are insurance approved, which you are clearly not
  4. Which means that you do not have insurance approval, and therefore your web-site is misleading people.
  5. Really? You dont appear to have any accreditation, which would say to me that you dont have any approval
  6. How did you get "insurance approval"?
  7. hi and welcome
  8. moth balls are also supposed to do the trick
  9. Tat will teach me to only read the first few lines. Yes a spider on the detector will look like an elephant in the room
  10. Was there any signs of a spider? Cobewebs? Spider close by?
  11. Why connect the float alarm to the burglar alarm? Surely you only need to be informed if there is a problem. You could wire it up to a doorbell or similar.
  12. welcome and hi
  13. Hi and welcome Drew
  14. Not to mention that he has to give half the money back because the wood was not as described
  15. I think I was simple back then...........come to think of it
  16. Its a pity james deleted about 1,000 of my topics, it would be nice to see how green I used to be back in the day
  17. IP alarms theres a blast from the past his website is now selling Voip for business, he obviously realised that if you dont charge enough for something, you lose motivation for selling it
  18. I think if your going to have a monitored system (Self monitored albeit) adding smoke detectors double the value, not in money terms, I mean in terms of having twice the coverage. The risco quote is more comprehensive, but if your BB is reliant on your phone line you need to be sure that the phone line cannot be compromised before you dismiss paying extra for the GSM. Adding smokes to the Texe wouldnt cost that much more, on the same token nor would adding GSM to the Risco
  19. 2015 Lets hope it hasnt been clicking up until now though
  20. Gardtec 595 593 or 600
  21. Guttering had leaked directly down the back of the bell and ingress'd the PCB It didnt tamper it just chirped
  22. Cant stop a runnaway bell though, yes I know they all have timers nowadays, but I had one chirping every couple of minutes for several hours until we could get the engineer there, apparently drove the neighbors mad
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