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Armadilloshield last won the day on October 9

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  1. This was the road I was heading down as it clearly shows this in the RF RIO manual but without a meaningful manual on the RF Portal I can't get a definite answer! I suspect it is because they are enrolled in a different way?
  2. Thanks so much for the rapid reply. In short we want to create an 'assistance button' I want to create a log event from the button press (so have the button mapped as a 'log' zone). The system is connected to a pager set for 'online print' so when this button is pressed the pager will go off and give the zone description as the message. In addition we want to ability to use the log zone as the source for a link to maybe pulse a sounder output as well to draw attention. Does that help?
  3. Hello, I know this is a really old thread but Honeywell tec are not helpful on this, is it possible to use the TCC800M or the TCPA2B 'fobs' to trigger a zone, there is mention of this in the RF Rio manual and the Galaxy Dimension manual says refer to the installation manual but we have an RF Portal and I cannot find a similar installation manual for the portal anywhere (no 'programming' manual with the portal either). The only option seems to be to add the RF fob to a user but that generates a duress and I don't want that, I want to use a button as a link source, can this be done? Thanks in advance
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