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Everything posted by sixwheeledbeast

  1. Al was right, I already split all this out but I was busy at the time so didn't fix the title or post.
  2. Alarms that activate like this during a power cut are most likely unmaintained and will require servicing by an engineer. We do not provide engineering manuals, defaulting procedures, codes or disabling information here. I can only suggest that you try all the user codes you can think of and if the alarm will not silence you will have to contact someone to repair it. It's recommended you service your system regularly, (even if you don't arm it often) so this type of thing doesn't happen.
  3. You said that you can't clear down if it calls a landline, I would be starting to diagnose from there to make sure that is correct. I have known some devices not to sent DTMF while in a call, you have to go to another menu or need some third party app to enable this. If it requires an app this may have it's own controls in settings or require your volume to be higher, will difffer from device to device. Making sure landline to landline (or even the old Iphone) works first would rule out a fault elsewhere.
  4. I can only assume clearing the call too, but as the post wasn't clear and there wasn't a direct question, I didn't see any point in guessing what the OP meant.
  5. GDPR is different from the DPA, GDPR was added to "complement" the latest version of the DPA. I tell the guy that ran the GDPR course I attended, Al reckons he's talking balls then.
  6. GDPR was written up mostly between people in the UK and Germany. Just because of Brexit that doesn't make all these regulations not applicable overnight. As above it's not going away. Using a cloud service would add more complication when it comes to GDPR even encrypted data, you have taken there data and uploaded it to a cloud service that they may have not approved or put in there GDPR policy.
  7. We have all used free services and never upgraded or put money in look at free email as an example. You may have had a free account for decades never paid a penny towards your gigabytes of junk. A good service promotes the brand bringing more people in, it's not just looking at the short term game. There are plenty of different models for revenue and it's a part why companies use different manufacturers kit (or rule it out completely) it suits there own business model better. If you go into the jungle alone, expect to get bitten... Taking Texecom for an example (as my preferred) they have different servers that work differently for two different products. So treating them both in the same regard would be wrong there. There is also nothing to say a paid for service wouldn't go down it is the internet after all and not of it would be superior to "proper signalling equipment". I am not for or against either, I try to limit what tat customers think they want connected to there crappy insecure ISP routers. Just pointing out that I don't believe it should be as much of a downer with a free service as you feel.
  8. The same logic as other "free" services on the internet, obviously the cost is offset by other revenue streams. A gateway to selling more kit and paid services. Not the place I'd be looking for reliable product information TBH. Scanny wireless is one way still right?
  9. Decent size holesaw does a good job too, done that a few times when you can't get the roofer out the bottom of a C Type. Saves pulling all the shattered plastic out the gutters and borders later...
  10. Professional bell destroyer, cut so the tamper loops closed and you can access the terminals.
  11. Make sure they aren't on the white goods recall list. https://productrecall.campaign.gov.uk/
  12. Instead of messing about with old alarm tat you could be building yourself a Fuz drift trike.... They are pricy tho for what they are
  13. Yep, as above for 3-2-1. "3 copies - 2 types of media - 1 offsite". The idea behind the two types would be for considering long term storage different media degrade over time. Encryption is often overlooked on portable media it's so important when so much sensitive data could be in such a small device. I rate hardware encryption if you need something cross platform or platform agnostic, I mostly use standard drives with LUKS for my own stuff.
  14. I would just assist/guide the client as to best practices when it comes to backups and the storage of them. Getting involved further like keeping or making copies of there data would lead to you becoming a data processor. If you have to, I would always recommend any portable media like that is encrypted, should really be using 3-2-1 method if your doing them properly.
  15. Won't take shodan long.
  16. Am i missing something? You said it was working?
  17. Someone has to pay for the space all those pictures of skip fodder is taking up... Google thinks you should update to IP cameras from your grainy black and white ones too.
  18. I'm growing to like the sound of a master blaster in an empty warehouse...
  19. Doesn't conform, not easy for customers to do/remember if under duress
  20. Bit of a daft place to fit a PA, you have to remove the PA from the wall to check anything inside the keypad. this means any readings you have taken in your OP are likely from the keypad and not with a meter too. It's also not where the cable entry is on the keypad you have made your own hole in the casing, it's unlikely but the PCB of the keypad maybe pressing on the cable causing an intermittent mystery resistance via some keypad component. I would say if anything the resistors are clamped too tight up to the ceramic this is where they are weaker and more likely to break. You could easily wire that double pole at G2 and job done with no discrete components flapping about inside. As for the PA in question I don't use them so can't comment but i would be inclined to use something more modern style, reed switches in PA's are so last century...
  21. Can't say I have ever had any issues with leaf tampers other than the fact they are easier to smash the lid off on JB's, relying on the one central screw. The more common issue I see are with these type are wiring not wrapped around the screw correctly or snapped or loose resistor lags making intermittent contact It's not mandatory to have switches but most have gone that way as it's easier to manufacture a break out back tamper. You also have the benefit of not seeing the faults above. I also wonder what brand and did you find any evidence to suggest it was the leaf at fault? For the cost of the device if your suspicious of it, may as well be replaced as part of whatever diagnosis you are doing, you have been called out anyway
  22. That's why Mum's go to Iceland
  23. When the tamper issue is fixed your code and reset should restore the system to "day mode" with no tamper condition.
  24. You have triggered the tamper causing the alarm to lockout. It's possible the sensor is damaged inside, worth having an engineer check over the system if you are not sure.
  25. I wouldn't say solved but it shouldn't be an issue for a while I would hope.
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