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About m300raj

  • Birthday June 23

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  1. Ok may be its time to change it but after investment of two lcd keypads extras this is quite expensive I have 8 hard wired zones (2 door 1 pir and 5 window shock sensors) and 8 wireless zones. What do you people think of the the risco Lightsys this would probably work with my existing equipment.
  2. I would if it would let me
  3. Sorry looked at wrong menu there is a fault system clock N
  4. Ok I have looked into fault codes can someone tell me what P1 ET means Thanks
  5. This system took a while to program to work just right I don't fancy doing it all again for the sake of a simple anti code. I wish I had downloaded the software when I had access to risco site. I will pursue tying to find someone willing to help in the meantime I have CCTV which I can access remotely to keep an eye on the place.
  6. I have both grand master and engineers codes and they will not let me access any area
  7. I installed it myself about 4 years ago
  8. Ok I think I found the problem but need help I need a anti code to reset the system Can anyone help Me with a copy of the software
  9. I would say you first need to reboot the router first Does the the router see the pannel? Is the router using a static ip for the pannel or is it DHCP?
  10. Hi yes I did install the system so I have all the codes it just will not let me in when I go to menu 7 engineer/advanced I previously had no problems getting into the system to make changes like adjusting system time. Just all a bit strange
  11. Can't see how to do that can you expand Thanks
  12. Sorry just to add it says call engineer and the tamper logo is on
  13. hi I did a general service of my alarm this and replace the CP battery as it was getting on to 4 years old as a precaution after which the system rebooted but would not except GMC I then thought it may have defaulted but that did not work either I can enter the engineer menu either option 7 as the engineer code will not be accepted it just bleeps after code entry and goes back to menu. Any help appreciated Raj
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