Around five years ago the student letting agency had us inspect and test this system, the landlord is well dodgy especially with regards to fire safety, he's a cnut.
I suggested that the electric water storage tank rooms on each floor should have detection in them.
Due to the landlord being very slow to pay, i told to do one.
Then 4 years later the student firm had a shake up with the fire officer, anyhow they get me to service this system again, device labels are out, then noticed he had some bodge it sparks wanna-be's in, they had installed around 6 extra heads, that had shifted device names along at different points in the building.
On my last 6 monthly visit, only one device label remained, and that was wrong.
Ive been told you can't erase the device labels by mistake, either someone went into engineering and cleared them or maybe plugged lappy in with wrong software on it.
Took me 4 hours to do 60 labels, never come across such a ball ache way of doing it, but most other addressable systems i work on, i have the software - so to do 1000 would have made me cry, lol.
All codes changed now, hope that helps keeping the tw@ts out.