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Paul Doyle

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Everything posted by Paul Doyle

  1. cheers galaxy guy thanks for your patience I will change 0S To windows 7 . 8 see if that solves the issue
  2. Driver={SQL Server};server={.\sqlexpress};Trusted_Connection=no;uid=sa;database=Dimension; galaxy is it windows 10 or just newer versions of windows cheers bud ?
  3. cannot connect to comms server http:127.0.01:8888/disco/?handler =common service once again thanks
  4. I got a new dell today driving me nuts I no its something stupid i will start it over again i am on the main screen com 5 galaxy icon top half box below server uknown listening
  5. hello galaxy guy I followed the above what you suggested it says front shell is not connected to Comms server connecting to the panel Is not possible Regards Paul
  6. using a old dell windows system for the serial port on back it was stuck on the page saying loading database i have system restored back to earlier point a will give it a go and i appreciate your time
  7. thanks galaxy guy the administrator what is the password bud cheers paul sorry it serial connection on the 232 port thanks
  8. add new site is not highlighted anymore tried to reboot pc still the same cheers
  9. hello galaxy guy tried to create new site it is stuck on loading database now sorry for being a pain
  10. hello galaxy guy i will give it try now
  11. system login user name xxxxxxxx password xxxxxxxx in the background communication server man in box server listening for call its easy with the texacom elite UDL i cant find it on this software i have enabled the remote access at keypad to direct connection 1200 baud 8N1 on the bottom of the window when site is open its say direct not connected and user manager connected am i missing something created all the site details etc
  12. hello James not sure bud its NON Dongle version its not UMS it is full access version I set it up the normal way account Number at the panel etc the version on the software 6.7 dimension will that have any effect with it not making a direct connection cheers paul
  13. Hello forum can anyone help with connection RSS to Honeywell Gal 520 dimension version 7.02 unable to direct connection it says manager connected unable to carry out any programming regards Paul
  14. Hello can any help with a copy of ATS 2000 software willing to meet the cost if anyone can help regards paul
  15. problem solved replaced cable all working fine now might of been it was old cable thanks for all your help everyone members
  16. no change from what I said the strangest thing is I checked the zone in the engineer menu and when the pir activates the zone goes from low res to closed back to low res all the zones that are normal show open when PIR activates think it might be best to replace pcb
  17. hello galaxy guy yes I checked the resistance 836 ohms checked zone 2 with respect to 0v and that reads 996 ohms thanks
  18. Single cables no cable fault
  19. Going directly to panel zones 1pir each zone at the panel
  20. Low res showing on zones tested voltage on pirs zones appears correct 0.872v zone number 1003 1008 1013 replaced resistors eol 1k ,when system is unset it appears 3 faults low res nothing else system arms without problem called monitoring company they said unaware of faults the system was installed by myself as a foreigner for a pals pub ???
  21. I see my question was are there any company’s out there that have taken advantage of 4g for secondary signalling or even for that matter primary signalling I am aware of PSTN Ethernet etc many thanks for your reply
  22. GPRS signalling is there any plans on 4g for primary and secondary signalling company’s have there own units in production .will BT WEBWAY be making the move to the 4g networks any time soon
  23. Thanks for all your replys members
  24. Ready for a new challenge by hopefully joining ROMEC has any of the members had the pleasure of working with the team? any comments would be welcome in respect of helping me decide my position I have worked for ADT for as long as I can remember installing intruder alarms and fire panels colleague informed me that most of the work with ROMEC is more or less the same as ADT in respect of control panel installations signalling devices. most of the installs I have carried out were with the galaxy range and signalling was either red gsm dual com the occasional WEBWAY any input with respect to the above would be greatly appreciated best wishes paul
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