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  1. . Will give that a go.
  2. If I set it as a perimeter zone won't the alarm go off as I will be in its detection range once I have set the alarm and I go towards the exit. The pir is opposite the front door. It will detect me when I set the alarm and go for the front door.
  3. Moved the sensor to the landing and added one in the hallway. Final question. What zone can I use for the pir in the hall. Basically I want it to be a "perimeter zone" when in home and away mode. I don't want it to set the alarm off when I set the alarm and exit through the front door. My door contact on the front door has a 30 second delay. Thanks
  4. Thanks again.
  5. Thanks for the replys. If I do the following will that work ok? Add a sensor in the hallway opposite the front door or above the door?. Define this sensor as delay 1. Move the sensor from the top of the landing to the opposite wall so it does not detect me walking to the front door and set it as interior.
  6. Hi guys I hope someone can help. I fitted the visonic alarm 2 years ago and it's been working fine. I'm now wanting to arm it when I got to bed. I never set home mode before so never had this problem. This is how my sensors are defined. Front door contact sensor - Exit/entry Back door contact sensor - perimeter Dining room - perimeter Living room - perimeter Kitchen - perimeter Upstairs landing (corner pointed down towards the stairs and front door) delay 1 Bedroom 1 - interior Bedroom 2 - interior I'm scratching my head on what zone to assign to the upstairs landing. It is set to delay 1 because when arming the alarm would trigger as it would detect me when I would go near the front door. I want to be able to arm the alarm to home mode so we can move about freely upstairs but I don't want to trigger the upstairs landing sensor. I have two options in my head with my very limited knowledge. 1. Move the sensor to the landing downstairs pointing to the front door and leave the zone as delay 1. 2. Define the sensor as interior. But then won't this trigger in away mode as soon as it detects me by the front door? I'm totally confused so would appreciate the help.
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