Nothing to do with an airing cupboard, But I do have a few stories,
First one, About 14 years ago I did an intruder install on a separate garage at the top of a guys garden,
Routing and clipping cables around the roof timber, I disturbed a plastic Woolworths carrier bag, So I picked it up to move it.
Though to myself, This does not feel quite right, I know what this is... Opened the bag, It was a loaded gun, an old one with the spinning barrel on it.
Chucked it right back, did the job and said bugger all. Needless to say, Earlier this year he was charged for letter bombs and attempted murder on the news.
Second one, (One I will never forget & My Favourite)
Must be about 10 years ago, We did a large amount of student accommodation places with very basic intruder alarms.
You go into the house, Each room is a separate persons room and shared kitchen/bath etc. Anyway, We got most of the cabling for the install
but when it the external ball, We needed to get the to the front bedroom So I knocked on. I $hit you not, this young fit as bird opened the door to let us in,
As we started to move a couple of items about, another girl got up from the bed, NAKED and started talking to us like it was normal. They were a pair of lesbians, There were some weird looking objects on the floor and an image that sticks in my mind of a double ender LMFAO,
I'm sure we all have some great stories but these two have to be the ones I can most remember like it was yesterday