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  1. Hi, Sorry should of said for windows pc Stuart
  2. Hi, I was just wondering what you guys think is the best free dvr viewing software out there ? thanks Stuart
  3. Hi sussed it,when i first took the lid off the machine the yellow wires came out of the molex connector on the pcb, so i replaced with another one, what i didn't notice is that the manufacturers have not used the standard configuration on the plug, so when plugging any drive in it was a dead short on the board, anyway all kicks up perfectly now and not so toot and skip worthy now, after all I have shoved 20 volts up its **** and all is still ok......... Stuart
  4. Hi Mr Happy, What 8 channel audio/video DVR would you recommend Thanks Stuart
  5. Hi, Just tried ramping dc voltage up to 19v still no joy, the case fan seemed to go a lot faster though so if it is connected directly to the input after the on switch then this would suggest that a 12 volt dc fan should be supplied with 12 volts dc and not nineteen, I can't trace the tracks on the pcb as it is multi layered.......... Thanks Stuart
  6. Hi guys, Yes tried 3 hard drives Yeti, I have several hdd power adapters but switching the drive on and the box on seperately sounds like disaster left with a customer, System Q, excellent find, my search brought this up but I saw that it was currently unavailable and I was looking for cnm's details so I could ring them, but I reckon it could be a 19v AC adapter as all the conversion components are on the pcb,,,,,,,I will let you know Thanks Stuart
  7. Hi, I have tried powering the unit up with my 12 volt 10amp bench power supply and it does exactly the same thing, so thats 3 dc power supplies I have tried.... Thanks Stuart
  8. Hi, I have the correct voltages on the molex connector, what I am thinking is that I have been given the power supply for the cameras as it has a 6 way adapter on it, the owner swears that it is the only power supply, looking at the pcb it has by the looks of things a hefty rectifier diode and some smoothing caps and regulators so i am thinking that it should be a raw ac adapter rather than a 5amp dc supply, it is not marked on the input it just says 12v but if I could get some documentation or if somebody could tell me what there power supply is for this dvr that would be magic..... Thanks Stuart
  9. Hi, I have a CNM Primus 8 channel DVR with a weird power fault, ie if you plug the power supply in and then switch on there are no lights on the front and it seems dead, if I dissconect the hdd molex connector then the board will run and lights come on, the hard drive is fine and if I power it seperately from a bench supply then it spins up and I can get the system up, if anyone has any advice or a schematic for the board I would be grateful. thanks in advance Stuart
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