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  1. Display is ok James. I dont know why a proper keypad wasnt fitted on install. The original company was well known for corner cutting...
  2. I've never been a fan of this particular panel mainly because its mounted in a right awkward place that requires contortion skills to work on.. I've checked the wiring, nothing a miss, did power cycle the unit but still a fault. I did tell customer that a new unit wasnt out of the question, this thing is old, the clock memory fails on it after being set.
  3. Got the manual from the SRI disc but the starburst descriptors dont list this particular fault code... it's a wierd one..
  4. I've got an old 808 with a fault that will not clear. The LCD star burst display reads: PAS B H or PA5 B H as it's a star burst display its difficult to read. Any ideas as all ccts are ok... It fails test on existing eng mode.
  5. When I used to work at the MRI doing medical and Lab equipment I got taken down to the mortuary on my own request as I had met a student in the social club the weekend before who worked there. Didn't get to go in the PM room but had a look over the shoulder of the mortician whilst asking to go in the fridge room, interesting sight, I'm not in the least bit squeemish but the next room.... It was just a big wall full of what looked best like filing cabinets and a white board on the other side saying who was in which fridge. On the side desk, was this tiny moses basket for new borns or still births Quite sad really.
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