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Everything posted by enasecurity

  1. I was quite close to using a brick to unlock it! But thanks PSE, the trick worked!
  2. Evening all, I've gone to go out and arm my texecom system today, however when pressing 'area' to quick arm, the keypad produces a long beep and says 'keypad locked!' I have tried pressing yes and no down together to unlock the keypad, but it doesn't seem to work. Wintex works fine though. Will it be a case of power cycling the panel or am I overlooking something?
  3. https://www.surveillance-video.com/security-sic-0400-n.html/ looks like Samsung also do wired systems now too, en50131 compliant as well
  4. Was autoset turned on? Under autoset go to status (option 1) I think, and turn it on
  5. The groups will be whatever zones you've assigned to them, you don't have to have groups enabled for the system to set.
  6. Directly into sub menu 3 autoset (menu 65, option 3?)
  7. Thanks sixwheeledbeast
  8. Expander is much closer than dialler. Would I still be able to have zone text and check the zone status through wintex if the zone wasn't programmed in?
  9. Hi, I'd like to connect the relay output from a fire panel into a zone on a texecom expander so I can monitor its state through a dialler. However, I don't want to have to reset the panel everytime the fire alarm is activated. Is there a zone type or attribute I can use that will only activate an output programmed as mimic and automatically reset when the fire alarms output is closed? Thanks
  10. I have no chime zones setup. I have rebooted the panel again and it seems to have sorted it. Texecom mentioned going into udl/Digi options and pressing yes 20 times. Does this do a soft Restart? Thanks again I have no chime zones setup. I have rebooted the panel again and it seems to have sorted it. Texecom mentioned going into udl/Digi options and pressing yes 20 times. Does this do a soft Restart? Thanks again
  11. Hi James. The system has no smoke detection connected to it. Are there any settings in wintex that I should look out for?
  12. Evening all, I have a premier 88 that was purchased new but only installed 6 months ago in replacement of my old menvier panel. It has been working flawlessly since today... It seems like one of the zones is stuck in walk test mode. When the zone is opened the keypad and internal speaker produce the walk test/fault tone. I have been on the phone with texecom and tried unprogramming the zone, entering and exiting walk test, powering down the panel....everything! And it still seems to be stuck. The system still operates fine though. Has anyone else come across this problem? It seems very strange! Thanks
  13. What software version would be best once I've changed the chips to a single 256?
  14. Would the 24LC256 need programming before being fitted onto the PCB?
  15. The NVMs in U9 and 10 are 128s. Shall I change to a single 256 or can I still update with the 128s?
  16. Thanks Breff and PSE. I will check which NVMs are fitted tonight, the date code on the PCB is 10/09/02
  17. Breff, the panel has 2 NVMs fitted and is running v3.3
  18. Thanks datadiffusion, will apply now
  19. Yeah will do. Btw, where can I get the v10 prem 88 software from? Texecom have discontinued the premier range now so can't find it on their website..
  20. I recently swapped out my old alarm panel and installed a premier 88(not elite), I aquired it from a friend who was moving house. The firmware on the panel is only v3.3, so I need to get this updated. it doesn't look like 3.3 has a bell on confirm option, but v10 does. Until I get hold of a flasher, can anyone tell me if there is a way to set the bellbox sounder up as confirmed alarm?
  21. Quick question, Does the G2, G3 range of panels have an option for bells on confirmed alarm? I can't find it in the menus, do I need to program the bellbox siren output to a different output type? Thanks
  22. Thanks for the advice. I have decided to go with a texecom premier elite. Where is the best place to order one from? I'd like the metal case version
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