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  1. SoupDragon

    Bell Box

  2. SoupDragon

    Alarm Panels

  3. Thanks for sharing the code, looks to me like some sort of check-sum style algorithm but without strong crypto (military grade, HA). Adding 1 to version and -11111 to quote results in the same result from what I can see, not where the key has 0 in it though. It's week, have you found anything else?
  4. Great blog btw, it's really got my attention. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd like to run a few things by you: a) We need access to the panel keypad in the first place, thus triggering the alarm. We need the code to unset the alarm and to be presented with an anti-code, all within a timelimit. Ah the issue of customers resetting panels without the need for an ARC. Now I see the issue. b) Would the method of producing these products (the algrothm) be stored within the firmware of an alarm system? If not how does the alarm know that you have entered the right anti code?
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