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Oxo last won the day on February 25 2014

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About Oxo

  • Birthday 10/01/1964

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Community Answers

  1. I was going to say " Not done any for aged due to an injunction" as a giggle. But I was waiting for a "Wit" to add that. Top marks. But not true of course
  2. Not done any of them for years.
  3. Apart from the invalid office bound of course
  4. And you sick bastids work in peoples homes and even schools......................
  5. They go soggy after a few hours. Now make fun with that !!
  6. Err, a sheltered housing block with a warden who had master keys? A flat where I found a friend dead of an overdose? To be fair the others were suspected or virtually confirmed from the decaying odours and being missing for a while. But 6 months, FFS. Even here I am keeping an eye on the old girl next door with this heat.
  7. PAH 24 dead bodies found.discovered when working as a locksmith. That was me, the others had a similar score.
  8. He told me he was worried as I was that you were a bit forward. No point in denying it now at this stage!
  9. That was coiled.
  10. I thought meeting took the "Blind Date" out of it the second time. But as you were in London I took the shaking knees as fear rather than the anticipation you had flowing thru your legs.
  11. You go for it. Then you can change your sig line to " Wiped with tissues".
  12. Actually they both lost and came to an agreement. Hence my association with both for many years. The general plan was to get both sides back together. It never quite worked out that way, and I had to make a choice because of family ties. It worked well until my divorce. Then the family ties went the other way as you would expect. No malice, thats life. Still talk to to one side and the others wife always asks about me. We did go to primary school together!! Unfortunately the better of the two has sadly passed away. Yeah, the bubbles are killing me. I actually think I could get on with you face to face as you have the same scene of humour. Just no idea of how to apply it correctly. A good stiff talking to could sort that. And turn your webcam off. You really dont suit a green leotard and stained frilly knickers.
  13. Again assumptions. No idea. Who mentioned an airing cupboard? You have obviously never been involved in, a small family business with a lot of issues. Been able to assist and set up a business. Been a family member of the same. But do carry on. This is really amusing. Show me more of what you have no idea about please. I have all night. Have done all the laundry, house is spick and span. Just eaten a great grilled chicken breast coated in Piri Piri sytle home made sauce with CousCous and new potatoes. Got a large fizzy cola on the go. A nice young lady is due at anytime, free in case you ask. Think it is a buy 12 get a duo free And cannot wait for one and possibly both sons here tomorrow, with a nice jaunt planned and a sea fishing match to boot. Gononcalloutloud and try to annoy me sweetie x
  14. YES So glad you mentioned that. The "Left lying around" part. The ones in question were in the folder I needed. With my name on it. And afterwards found out I was supposed to know. Being a family member so to speak and was being drawn into a company split. For the others. Please keep judging on snippets of information. Assume as you all do, and of course try and goad. The biggest laugh is the ones criticising have not got the smarts to think of the reasons the above happened. So cretins, you know who you are no trust was breeched. PS Peter, Not feeling sorry enough to ask for a drop in pay. You need to write it all in red next time
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