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  1. The first version of the design was exactly what you are suggesting, but the biggest problem was that you first need to fit the brackets on the wall and then slide the recorder in and tighten the screws and if you want to install the unit inside an enclosure/cabinet, you will not have enough room to slide it in. This was the reason I had to change the design. If you put the recorder legs to the wall, shouldn't be a problem with scratching.
  2. Thanks, I have just updated my profile and signature. I agree is a bit expensive comparing with standard metal brackets but it is 3D printed and it takes 6-7 hours to print one set. I had good feedback on them and installers seem to like the brackets. It is a new design and I think it makes things a lot easier if you have a set in your car and you need to install a device on the wall or inside a cabinet. Quick installation, adjustable, easy to take the recorder down if it needs to be serviced, looks tidy, saves time.
  3. I have them on eBay for £11.99. If is ok with you, I can put the link in the post .
  4. Hello guys, I am Marius and my hobby is 3D printing and designing. Not long ago I had a job where the CCTV recorder had to be mounted on a wall and I had to improvise a bracket for it, which was a pain in the back. With this in mind, I have designed and 3D printed some adjustable brackets to mount recorders on the walls or under the desks. These brackets will work with any device 30mm - 50mm thick ( routers, switches, modems, mini PCs, etc). I am also working on a design for 50mm - 100mm thick devices. Please tell me what do you think about this design and if you have any suggestions / recommendations. Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the quick answers guys. A friend of mine moved house and wants to see if it still works. Looks like there is dialler attached to the system as well. Will try to power it up next time I visit him.
  6. Wondering if someone can help me identify what panel is this. Photos attached. Thanks.
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