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Everything posted by datadiffusion

  1. Hiya Paul!
  2. All LED panels are fine until something goes wrong at 3am, then you'll have no clue what is happening, worse if you're a DIYer. Absolutely mad to even consider one given the price of any half decent LCD panel.
  3. I should add that this first rewire was back in 1995 MEM Memera 2000 cu, replacing a 2 circuit brown bakelite type Wylex. Had to get the board out for PME and an upgrade from the ceramic Siemens Brothers 40A cutout. Back before Part P (which of course has now been relaxed not to include outdoors) about a month later, the householder had a pond pump fitted via a garden centre(!) and the idiot tripped the RCD. He couldn't work out the old 'down then up' reset manouvre, so told the owner it was faulty. She got me to finish the job off and I don't think she ever paid for the pump or the bodged installation job at all. I agree all RCBO should be the norm except for specialist circuits.
  4. datadiffusion


    Where my Dad lives a few plumbers are now only doing boiler/gas work only due to the influx of have-a-go 'maintanance / project' startups run by middle class oafs burning through redundancy money, doing it for £15 an hour. The only people making money are the tilers and plasterers they inevitably have to sub to, and the sh1t plumbers that are carrying on by passing £500 bills to old grannies for changing a tap washer. Ultimately, the customer loses in the end, if a fair amount isn't charged.
  5. datadiffusion


    Funny old thing, but customer was fully aware of the charge before I even left the office, more than happy to pay me, and we did indeed have a laugh about it, so no need to overly concern yourself. Still, I'm sure you can find more time in your busy schedule later on, to make up some more stories about other people on a forum you've no connection with and are generally disliked on
  6. datadiffusion


    LOL, I had the exact same job last year, householder to be fair was happy on phone it probably wasn't our alarm but wanted me to attend anyway as it needed to be found, it was exactly that even though we'd fitted an RF Aico CO so it wasn't even needed.
  7. 50EXD? If you connect it to a phone line, provided that phone line is BT (not just openreach) it will send SMS via ETSI, not TAP, which actually works.
  8. Tat roundup... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Alarm-Bell-Box-Outside-Fitting/303272135130?hash=item469c6d89da:g:WQcAAOSwU7hdbPFq I thought this was metal until I looked closer. No wonder the bottom nut was rusty, bet mounting it like that wasn't intended? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Burglar-Alarm-Bell-Box/183937578865?hash=item2ad388b771:g:ZGcAAOSwz~ZdWXFp If I've listed this before, I'm sorry (not really) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ventcroft-Classic-External-Sounder-PCB-USED/174018322709?hash=item28844ce115:g:fGgAAOSwEDBdbpkD Ventcroft sounder PCB just in case anyone on here has an empty, dummy one but with a full backplate... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Optex-Redwall-Audible-Walk-Tester-AWT-3/264449789157?hash=item3d926f8ce5:g:1AIAAOSwd~9dY-UE Tenner seems good if no other bids? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PYRONIX-PARAGON-PLUS-SECURITY-BURGLAR-ALARM-SYSTEM-CONTROL-UNIT-PANEL/113872301769?hash=item1a83516ec9:g:4b8AAOSwC51dapl1 Rare? Yes for a reason. Do you want it in your life? No! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MOSS-HOME-SECURITY-SYSTEM/174014090319?hash=item28840c4c4f:g:XxwAAOSwPB9dWw-r Suspect Roy has bought this from another seller a few weeks back and now realises he doesn't have the time, skills, or inclination to fit a 30 year old alarm system. I remember ordering a Moss 'lightswitch PIR' from Maplins only to be told 3 weeks later by letter that it was now discontinued with a cheque at the bottom as a refund. Alans funny stories back again, same time tomorrow.
  9. Sorry I missed your post, the Chubb is a triangle type, but metal. In good condition for age but totally empty... It is so empty I do think it might always have been a dummy, but hard to tell with these older boxes sometimes, not all had special dummy brackets...
  10. Yeah he's been seduced by the yankee dolla!
  11. I know but at least when it's the brass chart lamp from a cold war destroyer it sort of justifies the price and can look quite cool, in the right place, this is just utterly hideously ugly. That said I made lampshades out of 3x old binned fruit machine reels glued together, attatched to £4.99 homebase lamps and got £40 a pop last xmas.
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Up-cycled-table-or-floor-lamp-using-Original-Emergency-Fire-exit-sign/303264592950?hash=item469bfa7436:g:EBIAAOSwQTRb6dDK What a pile of shite!
  13. https://lmgtfy.com/?q=taliban
  14. Well not quite, at a conference last year Adrian once passed me a note saying 'HELP TEXECOM ARE BEING TAKEN OVER BY THE TALIBAN'. never seen him since...
  15. This topic is getting out of control! Are we now alledging that Orisec are in fact a front for ISIS?
  16. Sorry to hear that mate, still they do say life begins at 40 so there is hope yet
  17. IIRC haven't Elmdene Rapiers used both PCB and bridge methods over the years?
  18. No, that did happen. Plastic knives though.
  19. It's OK, they accept self nominations!
  20. OMG, we;ve just been nominated as Security Business of the YEAR by these jokers... https://www.cv-magazine.com/global-security-investigations-awards-2019 So, if you know a local company you hate, why not 'nominate' them and they can get spam for the next ten sodding years!
  21. Nowt hence why in just joking section @Texecom has never been the real Texecom which is @TexecomLtd
  22. Yes as soon as BT bods were allowed to park vans at home overnight rather than RTB a funny little network of cash only 'mobile shops' sprang up...
  23. What you want is the cheapest eBay screen printing kit to make a decent, vintage looking new decal for that lid, which is otherwise in cracking condition. We had those exact same bells on our 1960s built school fire alarm I remember, until the year before I left they were upgraded to 1995-era electronic (but still Gent)
  24. OK, it's a brilliant panel, the best of it's kind even back in the day, has no doubt been scrupulously maintained and is a shining example of how a 30 year old alarm really isn't tat fit for the bin. Will that do?
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