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Everything posted by datadiffusion

  1. Hi Bob
  2. Yes, obviously not included at night as per a manual part set but... how does it decide the difference between that and a full set exit route stray / straggler? Does it wait until a door is opened before announcing activity in a part-set omitted zone?
  3. How does that work if you have a landing PIR for example, though?
  4. McMansion on a budget for someone that can't quite afford it?
  5. Q. What's worse than a Risco Prosys? A. One off of ebay
  6. Damn, I knew that yellow bag in the back should have had something more than a brick in it at the end of the shift...
  7. Or you could just install virtually any other system with a prox keypad! Texe at least allows you to remove virtually everything from a users menu so with the 'right' (or wrong) fob you can do nothing other than autoset and unset, just like the Logic 6. Another feature that was copied from the Menvier / Scantronic EN Platform range I believe, same team wasn't it?
  8. I don't think the 6 took off. After all, it was essentially a bodge on top of an existing, ageing panel. Our local TLC Direct still had stock until last year IIRC. Must have been an arse to prog. http://www.responseelectronics.com/downloads/1364919803Logic_Six_Install.pdf Not an entirely stupid idea though - and not entirely unlike Guardall's prox arming station. Although with that at least there was an engineer keypad and full UDL.
  9. Did someone seriously upvote that!?
  10. Nah too upmarket for a jack of all trades like myself
  11. Norm usually talks a lot of jive, but for once in his life he is mostly right, and welcome.
  12. Never moreso than with wireless
  13. As above, high isn't usually a good thing for recognition; it's often a typical sign of a DIY domestic setup TBH.
  14. It more than likely needs a new EEPROM chip, that is probably the only thing wrong with the board. Its the only chip in a socket on the PCB. However... Personally I would upgrade panel and keypad to something like a Scantronic 9651 and get all the benefits of fob operation and an Lcd keypad. However 2... If your existing system is a 9800, the rest of the system probably needs updating too, especially if there have been any changes to the construction and use of the property since installation.
  15. I must admit if the existing system is just 'old but not broken' I highlight the no warranty on old cable rule, have a good look for carpet wires etc... and also as each old device comes out, and by the time you view EOL resistance at the panel and measure voltage at each device you've got a good idea of what's what.
  16. Welcome GregTech, however the post you are replying to is over 13 years old virtually none of the original contributors are still registered with the board.
  17. From Honeywell Bells Division. It's got two '1's.
  18. Todays fun highlight ambulance job was someone that retired a year ago and was moving house tomorrow into a retirement village. Dead on our arrival and beyond resus. So enjoy it while you can!
  19. Life's too short just enjoy your retirement.
  20. When I took out a Menvier panel a few years back, there was a till roll inside where back in 1996 the original Co. had printed out the programming data, just in case I suppose!
  21. No binned my 9500 etc.. printers a while back.
  22. Depends, vapourware or just a rebadged Casio etc...?
  23. I'd say that would be easily sorted with a half decent T+Cs clause re. 'self monitored' systems, customer is in charge of phone numbers etc... I've only ever fitted 3 of the TELL units but made it really clear the ball was in the customers court, recommended test messages to be turned on, got them to sign for it etc...
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