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Everything posted by datadiffusion

  1. With something like a 9651 Scantronic panel, any issues are shown in plain text, i.e Chime = ON, Bell Tamper, Alar Zone 2 (Front Room) etc...
  2. Agreed its actually OK, but I would never fit it new, given the choices out there - would you?
  3. http://www.buttcoinfoundation.org/ Sadly no longer updated but the only site to speak the truth about this mystical make-believe fairy money
  4. If you are upgrading there are a million (ok, 5/6) better options that what you already have, for the same or less money. Like ones with an actual English LCD keypad for one...
  5. I assume you have copied and pasted this from another forum, as you only have one valid post on this site? Is your installer a security professional? Well, I would not as this is clearly part of the issue here. These boxes are easily compromised anyway, but, this just made it even easier. I assume you had port forwarding etc... or was the entire device in a DMZ? As for everything else, yes, it is possible you have been thoroughly compromised, although in reality these devices are used for bot net / distributed processing tasks (Buttcoin / DDOS) rather than keyloggers etc... especially since it would probably be clear you're a home user with little worth stealing to a hacker. I would change all your passwords as a minimum; the firewall will be of no use protecting you once the hackers have root access on your device.
  6. No, none of them are probably quite old enough yet I guess, our 9800 went at only just 12 years old but I know that was a specific 'wire eprom' issue.
  7. No worries, "at your own risk" etc... etc...
  8. Nope, all alarms have an NVM of some kind or another (although one day, anything between 10-25 years I guess, this will eventually fail itself as in the 9800 etc...) Besides a trained installer would usually leave the mains running anyway - although we can't recommend 'working live'.
  9. Don't worry just a joke!
  10. If you have the engineer code, yes things are much simplified, although we always warn about the mains voltages present in the panel, etc... I would also check the battery again in a day or two to make sure it is actually charging.
  11. I am pretty sure he means the single led in the middle of the large white system box, rather than the keypad
  12. Have replied in members area, but sad to hear that
  13. hi
  14. Yep I just wait until it comes around!
  15. Pricing is in public being Lynteck so I see no issue with naming... http://cpc.farnell.com/lynteck/ly07-009-37/extension-speaker/dp/SR04341?ost=lynteck+speaker&selectedCategoryId=&categoryNameResp=All%2BCategories&searchView=table&iscrfnonsku=false Not as cheap as you'd expect tbh, although often half price if you buy ten with a 'tat mag code'. There is an otherwise empty PCB inside; they also do a siren version but I suspect their supplier also does tampered. (I should have said all my installations are done to Grade 2/2X so lack of tamper not an issue)
  16. Other old lags may laugh, but despite the fact we use Siemens DTs, Elmdene flush contacts, insist in copper cable, when it comes to speaker we use... ...Lynteck http://www.lynteck.co.uk/products/intruder/sounders/LY07-009-37.php They are very flat, large enough to cover old sounder holes (with plenty of screw holes) and because they are so small, the actual speaker element is the sort of 'potted' type you get in a mobile phone, with a thick black cone and much better than the usual mylar ones. Customers like them as they don't look like something from a cold war era Gardiner catalogue and best of all are matte so take paint well...
  17. He uses the name 'giraffe' now... What you need to do is make the hallway detector act as 'entry exit' at night, so that during the day, with the alarm set if someone comes in through a window etc... it causes or confirms an alarm, but at night, i.e. when you come down in the morning, it only starts the entry/exit timer as if you had just come in the front door so you can enter your code / fob. As you have wintex this should be very simple, but I don't really fit texecom so will leave the fine details to our David Attenborough hating, TSI native wildlife. My only caveat would be, how young are the (I assume) kids, do they currently use the alarm, will they be going down the stairs in the AM and not knowing what to do with the alarm?
  18. Yes, it does. You are now on mod preview.
  19. Ironic if the keypad caused a fault you couldn't silence
  20. Hmmm, if they insisted it was never fitted, makes you wonder what else they lied about tbh though. This does take us back to the old 'would you buy a 2nd hand parachute' debate I suppose.
  21. Someone who sold a Nightforce Black Capri Ghia in 1987 and is just emptying the garage, I'd say
  22. I was just about to say 'please tell me you didn't pay the advertised price' http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Texecom-Premier-Elite-Flush-Mount-Keypad-Grey-Metal-Finish-/252599741488?hash=item3ad01e2c30%3Ag%3Adr4AAOSw44BYC~ie&nma=true&si=2Euo3ZA0ep%2BNLzKcaNTQi%2FFtxL8%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 But no £25 is about right given the state it was in above!
  23. You sure it isn't a home spray job? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Keypad-Cover-Front-Elite-Flush-Diamond-Black-Alarm-Keypad-/162273668452?hash=item25c843ad64:g:B8sAAOSwKOJYIcr9
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