Nope, most burglaries are drug fuelled and opportunist. They will stay that way for ever, until the day an alarm-busting 'app' is released that can be used by pressing one button by the typical knuckle-grazing crim (and for the record it would not be worth any hacker or developer releasing such an app to the great unwashed, even if they could make it work). The typical burglar would not have the knowledge nor inclination to defeat even a 1980s one zone, keyswitch system
Hence my usual line that CCTV is no defence at all. Police are unlikely to be interested, criminals are often of the attitude that they don't care about getting caught, a couple of hours in the nick at worst
and it just gets added to the long list they are already on probation for.
CCTV will only confirm that the window is smashed and the TV is missing. You will find this out from coming home and seeing it with your own eyes. An alarm will alert you to the fact at the exact moment (if installed correctly)
and may add to the mix of uncertainty for the criminal with sirens going etc... A decent looking (i.e. not plain white from Newlec) bellbox is 100% more a deterrent than CCTV IMHO.