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  1. Hi Guys I had to recently reset the codes on a Ademco Accord that has no NVM reset pin or a volume pot on the PC card . I have 3-4 manuals that show them plus I got the info on how to reset the customer and engineer codes. But I have no info on how to adjust the volume of the internal exit entry sounder does anyone have a manual for this panel . Many thanks in advance Andy
  2. So I take it you have engineers reset in your T&C plus do you inform the customer
  3. Appologies I meant a DSC PC5015
  4. Really ? Some customers may say thats stretching it a bit plus I have come across a couple of Galaxy jobs where the engineers code is locked in so that cannot be right . We are talking about a domestic situation where the customer never agreed to it or worse was never told
  5. I hear what you say guys but engineer lock out on a tamper alarm and even although it under contract are you not duty bound to remove it if the contract is cancelled plus not good for business as I find customers are networking more on local social media. Thing is in a domestic situation the customer owns the system plus they have informed their insurance company they no longer have a maintenance contract
  6. Many thanks
  7. I run a small electrical and alarm repair business and I am finding alarm companies are setting engineers reset on things like tamper or even alarm activations . I find customers are very angry as they never asked or were told about this only to find when they are decorating and they take the lid off a pir or they are getting a new front door and the fitter removes the door contact setting off the tamper they find the panel locks out on engineers reset. The customer stopped the maintenance contract 2-3 years ago yet find that it will cost an arm and a leg to call the installtion company out to resolve the problem. Now I am old school Engineers reset was only put in on the insistance of the the local police authority for nusance alarms. Also my feelings are this is illegal and a form of extortion leaving the customer feeling they have been held to ransom. So whats your thoughts on this good practise or are you breaking the law. I just find it bad publicity for the companies that do this as I recently got 4 jobs to crsh the panels to remove the engineers reset function on a domestic sounders only system
  8. Can anyone pm me on how to reset a 1600 nvm. Nothing in the engineers manual and forgot to check if the nvm chip is removable. I do repairs in the Edinburgh area
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