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matthew.brough last won the day on July 6 2014

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About matthew.brough

  • Birthday December 2

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  1. Matthew Brough

    Are you an A1 Omnicron 7000 engineer? 

    I thought I saw on here you were can you please answer my query re out of sync alarm?

  2. Isnt first choice run by mark frodsham?'

  3. I disagree entirely. I'd much rather have 10 year old firmware than today's.
  4. Com 1 is the PSTN dialler onboard the panel, nothing to do with databus line 1. We have had this issue a few times. Downpowering the panel, count to ten and power back up has always been the fix. Getting fault to clear that are no longer there isn't such a rare thing on a galaxy. Power cycle always seems to cure.
  5. I can't say there would be a ton of evidence to swing it massively towards one or the other. Not installed either as it's not our market space but enforcer has quite a fan base
  6. I've not tried it but I bet if you cancel your direct debit they do
  7. Oh dear. Speaking out against the status quo. You'll be in for it.
  8. Since when did we pay more in the uk for something?
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