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matthew.brough last won the day on July 6 2014

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About matthew.brough

  • Birthday December 2

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  1. Matthew Brough

    Are you an A1 Omnicron 7000 engineer? 

    I thought I saw on here you were can you please answer my query re out of sync alarm?

  2. Isnt first choice run by mark frodsham?'

  3. I disagree entirely. I'd much rather have 10 year old firmware than today's.
  4. Com 1 is the PSTN dialler onboard the panel, nothing to do with databus line 1. We have had this issue a few times. Downpowering the panel, count to ten and power back up has always been the fix. Getting fault to clear that are no longer there isn't such a rare thing on a galaxy. Power cycle always seems to cure.
  5. Grandad rules will never come in. They are the tool to get the dross out, not give them a shiny badge to arty on doing same old same old.
  6. I agree. Anyone who sees value in approval, has it. Those that don't, don't bother.
  7. I don't think that is outrageous for sorting a battery and getting you back up and running.
  8. I do. Ended up changing a few numbers in dalliers. There have been far worst cases on watchdog about alarm companies. Not in my experience on the lower end stuff.
  9. They were if I remember correctly for dialling premium rate numbers
  10. Not that I don't agree but the reality is, on the whole, people don't value burglar alarms and because they don't value them cheap and nasty with John Wayne or b and q Yale special is quite sufficient. They can spend the money saved on interesting things like Sky, alcohol, buy a 1/16 of a new iPhone etc Certification is not the answer. We've tried that route, remember?
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