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Everything posted by matthew.brough

  1. I disagree entirely. I'd much rather have 10 year old firmware than today's.
  2. Com 1 is the PSTN dialler onboard the panel, nothing to do with databus line 1. We have had this issue a few times. Downpowering the panel, count to ten and power back up has always been the fix. Getting fault to clear that are no longer there isn't such a rare thing on a galaxy. Power cycle always seems to cure.
  3. I don't think that is outrageous for sorting a battery and getting you back up and running.
  4. I do. Ended up changing a few numbers in dalliers. There have been far worst cases on watchdog about alarm companies. Not in my experience on the lower end stuff.
  5. They were if I remember correctly for dialling premium rate numbers
  6. I can't say there would be a ton of evidence to swing it massively towards one or the other. Not installed either as it's not our market space but enforcer has quite a fan base
  7. I've not tried it but I bet if you cancel your direct debit they do
  8. Oh dear. Speaking out against the status quo. You'll be in for it.
  9. Since when did we pay more in the uk for something?
  10. A couple of the products that we use have features available to the rest of the world but not the UK. Often wondered why.
  11. Can't talk for six but mental deficiencies has been suggested, yes
  12. Had a couple of drinks tonight ?
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