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Everything posted by dwdave

  1. not sure how, but another disconnect, reconnect, cleared the tamper, turned around three times and touched my nose .... et voila.
  2. Yeah but thats not a limpet though is it!! Go and watch "This is Spinal Tap". This one goes to 11 !!!!!
  3. guys. im suspecting that my rs232 panel might have had it. no way to test it and no way to replace it. my version of rss is old so id need to replace that and the panel for an integrated rs232 one. Not really viable. I've put a blank password when connecting to a new site and it just hangs on the checking password. The led to show pc connection doesnt light up. It worked fine last week.
  4. dwdave

    Rss Pic

    This is what im getting when I try to connect to my panel.
  5. If I am trying to connect to an existing site for the first time on Gold - do I need the remote access pin number ?
  6. I couldnt tell you what MK they are by looking at them to be honest.
  7. Exited engineer mode again and now I have a good AB line. Not sure what was going on there. Now I have created a "new" site on GalGold and I have not set a password, dialled into the site and it asks for a password. Leave it blank and it sits for a while before saying it cant communicate with remote module. At least I know the module is connected to the panel. Its the PC to RS232 Module thats the problem now
  8. I have power cycled the module - by removing it completely and clearing the mem sw. When I reconnect it, the led blinks to report bad AB. Is there a "wanted" part for non trade on this forum? I just cant justify changing out the panel when I havent even finished the install yet - will it mean new keypads etc?
  9. The LED on the RS232 board - is it supposed to mimic the other LEDS in terms of connection to the panel etc ie - slow long flash - no / bad AB comms quick flash - good AB comms Only reason I ask is that my Gold connection has stopped working and now the only led that remains operational is the one which is slowly blinking. I reset the PC, the Alarm and removed and re-added the board. But the panel no longer recognises that the RS232 board has been reconnected.
  10. Yes it does matter - and ive got it working! Pretty lights.
  11. Forgot about this one, wired it all up using the onboard outputs - and i have put the strobe into the relay. Does it require a link then from the 0v to the relay (does it matter which part of the relay (left or right input))?
  12. Not at all. I didnt mean opened - perhaps I should have said "attempted" But if they were to find out how - I want to know. Equally - a 2nd level of cover on the safe from the panel is only going to be beneficial? £8 for a limpet with contact switch hooked into a panel with a number of outputs - I'd say thats better than the safe on its own which meets the legal standards. Thanks for all the help and advice guys, its unbelievably useful to me. My system might not be a top quality grade 3 all singing one, but its no Argos special either. I'll replace the vibro in the limpet for a more modern one with a built in analyser and that will more than suit my needs and wont cost me the £120 price tag.
  13. "....... hang on a second ........ let me get that ....." <<its the wife>> "She says shes cleared out the safe and left me!" You couldnt hear the phone ringing for the sounders !
  14. The limpet really is just to chime out in case the safe is opened whilst the alarm is unset. I dont want the children playing with the safe. It sits in view of a PIR when the system is set. I dont really require a limpet worth mega bucks. No laws or insurance policies require me to have an alarm let alone a limpet but to coin a phrase - every little helps. So if adding a self analysing vibro inside the limpet would work then I am happy to do that. I am also currently building a communicator to call me and email me ( and a list of keyholders) if an alarm is triggered - so its a loosely monitored alarm I guess.
  15. Is it that simple? Should I not just add in a "proper" shock sensor?
  16. looks like i might get the soldering iron out then and strip of that old shocker and fit a new one then! I cant grumble - got a limpet delivered for £8
  17. ok, but it will take a more modern shock sensor - they have the analyser built in dont they ?
  18. I'll await an expert - but Zone Descriptor 47 - Vibration - leaves me feeling a bit more positive.
  19. So my panel (Galaxy Classic) wont analyse the vibro is that correct? If its that old, im tempted to fit a new vibro into the limpet anyway.
  20. It is a BNIB - dated '88.
  21. Thank you - ive only ever used one before in an old job and that had a keep. The backplate seems to have the same pattern as the newer elmedene ones. Perhaps its an old Elmedene unit?
  22. Contacts left to right CCT+ / CCT- BATT+/ BATT - A/T CCT opens and closes with the reed switch A/T opens and closes with the tamper switch BATT - I have no idea why it would have battery Im guessing the vibro wires in from its own contacts I have no instructions, or makers details but would like to find out how to rig it up. There is also a junction box in the keep. Im guessing a flexi / armoured loop from the keep to the limpet is what it needs? in advance!
  23. Got there. It was working, but the volume pot on the board was too low!
  24. To allay your fears, the boxes are mounted with plugs and screws and perhaps only the cable hole will get a dab of silicone. no sticky tape or pritt stick here. But I suppose some mothers do have em. They are out there. Just not here
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