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Everything posted by dwdave

  1. Good point Charlie. I have cable trays and access routes for most of the cabling. Didnt really consider the sounder wiring as its being left until the system is built and soaked before I plug in any external nuisances . external sounders have been mounted ands have some batteries powering the comfort leds at the moment. Pedders - I'm running low on silicone but I've got some Pritt Stick. I'm sure that'll be the same. Thanks for the tip on knots. If that fails I might try out those wall plug things!!
  2. 1995? Can't say that I've really gone right to the edge of the roof but I'll take a peek at it tomorrow.
  3. dwdave


    What do you design these on? or is it pinched from estates agents!
  4. Must have glossed over that one. I didn't fit them in the old place. They've been stored on the brackets. I've just assumed that they need brackets, either wall or ceiling as that's what's in the box. Live and learn!
  5. Save me opening another thread, I've fitted an elmdene int500s sounder today. It's all working as it should except the low sounder. I've got it to a galaxy classic panel via a rio. High sounder is on OP1 as BELLS Low sounder is OP2 as E/E HORN Strobe is OP3 as STROBE Bells and strobe test fine. E/E sounds off on the keypads, but nothing on the low sounder. Any ideas you wonderful people.
  6. Should have been more specific ... mounting not a problem, I've got loads of double sided tape and silicone. It's the cable routing that I'm trying to figure out. At a guess id say drill through the brick at a 45° and then push the cable rods through and hope they pop out in the loft, then feed the cable through. Any advances on that? I'm going for 2 live sounders on the sheer principle that I've already got them both. It is bells only, but I'm hoping to build something that alerts keyholders.
  7. Ok. I just followed the mounting instructions. It doesn't mention going through the back as a possibility. I thought I was doing it the right way. I will drill some more holes tomorrow!!
  8. I don't need one to satisfy anyone but myself. It's not a requirement , more a personal request.
  9. Thank you. I haven taken that into consideration and have fitted a 2nd psu. perhaps then, as you say, the live sounder (I already have 2) should be on the rear wall but that leads me back to the first question ... how.
  10. I'm trying to use a bracket but im missing a key part of it. I thought Adi was going to suggest that a ceiling mount was a **** way. I certainly don't want to screw through the back of the DT straight into the wall.
  11. What is a **** way to do it? How would it be done properly?
  12. Would you normally put all sounders on the bells output? Could I use a safe limpet = are they any good?
  13. This one is ceiling mounted.
  14. It is beneficial for me to place a sounder on both the front and rear aspects of my install. On the front, I have a hipped roof with a gable end. Piece of cake to mount and wire. On the back, not so easy. Brick and block cavity wall leading up to the edge of the roof. Mounting isn't the problem I foresee, however wiring to it will be. How would this usually be completed. Thanks
  15. I'm refitting a number of these that were in my old house but I have lost the round piece that sits inside the bracket and the pir screws to it. I have emailed pyronix but no response. Cam anyone suggest what to do?
  16. Will do - because I am running the two external sounders, internal sounders, DT PIRS and Smoke heads I have installed a Smart PSU to share the load.
  17. Perfect - I'll order some up. The way I see it - empty outputs on RIOs need filling somehow!
  18. Are they good then - the soundbombs ?
  19. I've just read up on links and is starting to make sense. Could I set the vibe on the safe to have a custom output for a local siren. ie, if for intruder I have 2 ext sirens, 1 internal siren and a master blaster as my outputs, could I have the vibe on the safe only output to say the one internal siren?
  20. Hey Gav, Welcome to the forum ! You're 'gonna love it here. I only recommend the Galaxy because its all I know - and judging by my posts - I don't know that much. DWDave
  21. Come on then - someone put me out of my misery. WD - Warning Device? CIE - Consumer .... EndStation? I dunno - give us a clue?
  22. Yeah I'm all over the Wd's and CIE's. Sometimes I like to throw in some ABC's and mix it with a little 123. But .... I am planning to mount the extension speaker downstairs - probably the furthest point from the panel, and right above a PA trigger.
  23. Gotcha. Makes perfect sense.
  24. I have never used the speaker output on the Galaxy Panel. Only ever sounders etc. What is the difference between the two? Thanks,
  25. Fair enough - no point in doing it wireless to make it a useless system. I'll have to wire it up. Thanks though.
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