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Mark Priest

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  1. Hi All We've had a few of these issues over the last few years, A tamper / poll error on the micro sensors. It will repeatedly happen until I replace the batteries even if the system shows the batteries as OK. Happened again last night. Here's snap shot of the log, but not sure why it's showing bell tamper as well. Any advice much apprecitated. We do get a fair few radio jamming alarms, always have.
  2. Thanks Barnsnake Actually managed to get hold of CSL who make the units for Pyronix who told me they were a MMCX. I meant to come back here and reply. They do a High Gain external antena just in case anyone needs one. I've purchased an extension for the time being which has given me 2 bars of signal instead of 1, but I'm still having issues logging in. I can log in on the app fine, but when trying to use the desktop software it connect, but seems to fail trying to open the socket.
  3. HI All. long time no post..... Does anyone know what the aerial connector is on a pyronix digi-gprs board? https://www.pyronix.com/uk/products/digi-gprs I need to extend it as the lead on the included aerial is woefully short! Thanks.
  4. Hi Guys So I've now had the new power updated and have succesfully got powerline adapters to talk to each other. What's the best way to install a PIR and External Mag Contact at each location and get this back to the main panel?
  5. The way the electrics work on site we wouldn't be able do power over ethernet. Each gate is in it's own compound and each has its own supply. As for using the wireless RF gear. The compounds are in the middle of a densely wooded area and the only way to get a signal between the three compounds is by using a dedicated directional antena. A standard texecom for example contact just wouldn't reach. This might give you an idea of one of the compounds (think jurassic park! )
  6. Hi All. I have a requirement to set up 3 x external mag contacts on large gates. Each of the compounds is 80 metres apart (in woodland) and will be linked by a dedicated wifi set up back to a base station. I envisage having a main pannel at the base station. but I'm struggling to find a ip module that I can install at each of the 3 locations and add in the mag contact. Any help appreciated. Mag Contact - IP Module - Router - Transmitter - Reciever - Router - Module / Panel
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