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The Arab

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The Arab last won the day on March 26 2023

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About The Arab

  • Birthday 08/12/1965

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    Football,Motorbikes,DIY and motorsport


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  1. There was a problem years ago with Hendry hoovers doing this sort of thing and it was caused by the hoover motor not having suppression
  2. Another thing I found was if the magnetic feet have twisted this can cause them to false alarm. Make sure the feet are tight too. Other than that same as previous comments
  3. I do know way back in the 90s Ambassador Alarms was owned by East Midlands Electricity never knew about Weat Midlands
  4. Thanks for the reply. That’s what I was thinking. Must be some sort of data type entry system
  5. Has anyone got experience of the 4 wire GDX5 door entry/intercom systems. I have a good friend that has a faulty handset but having not used one and not being able to get my head round the fact it’s 4 wire instead of the usual 5 wire systems I’ve used can someone tell me. Can I use a normal door entry phone like a BSTL or is it only a GDX system phone that’ll work ? cheers
  6. To me it's like the system has defaulted to factory settings after the power was cut
  7. If keypad is off it’s box that’ll be tamper fault. If keypad has no display possible keypad or cable issue
  8. Like sixwheeledbeast said hae the vipers been reset,are any of the vipers got a led lit on it, on the older panels theres normally a reset button try pressing it and trying to set
  9. If you really want the stroe to keep going after the 20 minute cut off just programme the output as intruder
  10. If in doubt gie it clout
  11. I would have thought you'd do the first detector as entry, then time set would be enough time to allow the detector to settle say 30 seconds then it depends how far keypad/prox is from the detector so say 20-30 seconds
  12. Set auto test to 00 rather than 24 and restart panel
  13. Could be the standby battery has given up and dragged down the system
  14. Has the speakers connections been disconnected
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