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Everything posted by bgd

  1. Thanks all, I went for Hik HQHI 8 channels in the end, it seems a solid DVR. I believe it also supports 2 x IP but not sure if these are in addition to the 8 x BNC?
  2. Thanks, I guess I may need to reconsider..TVI seems to be much more available. Apart from Hikvision and Dahua are there any other reliable TVI dvr's that you could recommend? Anyone had experience with Triax TVI?
  3. Lwillis, really useful, thanks.
  4. Perhaps you as a Trade can source better prices but most of web sites I searched SDI seems more expensive and claim superior image quality, but very similar to TVI. At the end of the day if SDI was good enough for the broadcasting industry it surely will do a job for a small domestic application. I am not too worried about the format longetivity at the moment as ripping out existing RG59 cables (industrial quality with siamese) would be too big job. By the time I need to upgrade again it will most likely be IP based, but will cross that bridge when I get to it.
  5. Based on my own research through Google I am leaning towards HD-SDI even though the equipment is more expensive than TVI/CVI. Once upgraded I will not replace it for a few years and by then there will be a few more standards to think of ;-) Don't fancy IP based solution for now. If I can run reasonably priced AHD 1080P cameras on Vectus that would fit the bill for now unless someone can recommend HD-SDI cameras that are not too expensive (1080P)?
  6. Sorry, are you saying that AHD cameras (being analogue) will work on an HD-SDI hybrid DVR that also support analogue? Thanks
  7. Thanks both. I thought CVI had lower quality image when compared with SDI and TVI? Please forgive me but can AHD cameras be used with SDI DVR? I am not worried about cable length limitations as the runs as short max 25-30m.
  8. I am planning to upgrade my existing Cop Security 16 channel Inspire Blue DVR which alterEgo (thanks again alterEgo) helped me setup a little while back with something newer but I am thorn between different standards and find it hard to choose between HD-SDI and HD-TVI. I have been looking at Vectus G series HD-SDI and Hikvision / Dahua HD-TVI 8 channel DVR's and wonder what would be your recommendation. My existing cameras are not great so will need to replace these too (Vista, Genie and Ganz 600/700TVL). Looking at HD-DSI and HD-TVI camera prices it seems the HD-SDI are much more pricier and not many models available when compared to TVI's. Is there a reason for this as I understand the image quality is very similar, perhaps chipset price in HD-SDI? I already have good quality RG59 + power cabling in place so this should not be an issue when upgrading to the new system whatever it is. Any input on above DVR's and reasonably priced cameras would be greatly appreciated.
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