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  1. I need a system with vibration sensors for the windows, door contacts and a PA button. I'd like it monitored. I can install it myself or I'm happy to have it professionally installed. Any suggestions please?
  2. Thanks James!
  3. Quick question: I need to replace the front panel of the remote keypad on an Optima Plus system. If I put the system into Engineer mode first, will the anti-tamper switch be disabled? (I don't want to set the whole thing off!) Thanks Tim
  4. Yes you did, Peter. I was including you!
  5. You are right! Three terminals marked 5 3 2. So which ones should I connect the two auto-dialler wires to?
  6. Thanks SWB - point taken! Al-yeti: Not sure what you mean by "extension side terminals" Attached picture of the unit. Presently, BT line and alarm dialler going to the internal terminals. Phone and router plugged into the front. Where exactly should the alarm dialler wires go? Thanks!
  7. I've just installed a new Mk4 Openreach Master Socket onto our phone line. I connected BT's line and the auto-dialler's cable directly together at the Master Socket's terminals. Is this correct? The reason I ask is that after installing the new Master Socket, I did a test activation of the alarm to check that ADT was receiving the signal ok. ADT confirmed that they received it ok, but when I then did an internet speed test, the speed was almost zero! I used BT's automatic fault-finding system and after it 'Refreshed' my BT Hub, normal internet speed was resumed. It seems that the auto-dialler somehow upset our internet connection, so is there a better way to connect it? Thanks! Tim
  8. Which system is that?
  9. Thanks to all for your suggestions. I'll take a look at the Pyronix Enforcer system. Whereabouts in London are you, Al Yeti?
  10. Thanks SWB - that looks perfect! So one other question for you: I notice that some here don't think too much of the Yale system. Why is that? It is really a rubbish system? Or is it that it's DIY rather than professionally installed? So what system would you recommend? Here's what I think I need.. DIY Install Fully wireless Keypad with at least 3 x 4-digit codes Video PIRs External and internal sounders Extendable with smoke detector, extra PIRs etc
  11. Thanks, Mr Happy. T hat's very helpful. Can you suggest an authentic-looking box into which I could put the gubbins?
  12. Yes, that is my question. Can anyone help please?
  13. Does anyone know if you can use another manufacturer's external siren with a Yale Smart wireless system? The site is a listed building in a conservation area and we'd like something a little more discreet! (I've submitted this question to Yale, but so far no response) Thanks, Tim
  14. al_yeti - Sent you a pm with my postcode. Tim
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