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Alarm Protection

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Everything posted by Alarm Protection

  1. I worked with my old man starting up and it was the toughest 4 years. We were doing void alarms and screening for councils and our aim when the money came in was to move onto residential, commercial CCTV and alarms Luckily it all worked out but thinking back the hard graft we had to do it was brutal and the out of hrs callout would be 4 or 5 times a night and more at the weekends with the little scroats and junkies breaking into the voids. The Bradford riots were a real treat to be involved in with alarms going of everywhere in the Manningham estate and we just had to give up and return to the destruction the next day. Ireland was also a nasty place where the estates ruled what went on and the Shankhill Road was a nightmare so you never went there after 3pm. SSAIB approval came along and we have never turned back. Now we have 9 staff and everything has settled down. The void property work was given up and we have contracts in place for the next 5 years. Now that my old man is semi retired, a lot of the responsibility has been put on myself and it is good but it is hard to seperate work from family life. I also made a lot of sacrifices to build up the company with my dad and didnt see my family as i was down south which i regret in a way but it has been worth it in the end. I hope to give it all for the next 15 years and sell up, get out of this shithole of a country and do something abroad hopefully in Gran Canaria lol! You never know what is round the corner though.
  2. We have a Norbain account and if your stuck i could order one for you Richard.
  3. I will second that!
  4. 50 Alarms giving you trouble out of 500 is not very good if you ask me. Come on somebody has to say it............they are junk!
  5. Cant wait untill you have 500 of these systems out lol!
  6. I would check the charging circuit first.
  7. The first alarm i installed was a ADE 6 zone panel. The oldest panel i have seen is a 17 year old A&G Diplomat which we still service as the customer will not replace it. We have around 40 A&G panels still working. It was Scottish Power who used to fit them and did not fit them well tbh!!
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